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The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife [Ch 37]

A hero who overwhelms the human army

Upon hearing my command to retreat, the soldiers seemed hesitant.


“Damn, we can’t retreat here.”

“We are on the offensive. We’re close to purging the demons from this world.”

“The Emperor Majesty said that those who achieve military success can have rewards as they please.”

“Anyway, let’s slaughter the demons one by one.”

Their morale was high, and their demeanor rough.

“It seems words alone won’t make them retreat.”

I sighed.

It seemed that I had no choice but to show them through force.

And more thoroughly.

“I want to minimize casualties… Heaven’s Thunder Strike!”

This time, I invoked magic.

It was a magical spell of the ‘Heavenly Thunder’ attribute that only the Hero could wield.

*Crackle, boom!*

The thunderous strike poured down from the sky and erupted in front of me.

A massive explosion.

The ground was deeply gouged.

Caught in the impact, dozens of people were blown away together.

Thanks to some moderation, seemingly, there were no casualties.

“T-This is… too much…”

“So powerful… too powerful…”

By demonstrating the disparity in power through both sword and magic, the soldiers seemed to have lost their fighting spirit.

“I’ll say it again… Leave.”

I told them once more.

“What I desire is not victory, but to prevent any more casualties.”

While saying this, I pointed the tip of my sword towards them.

If they resisted, I would strike… I needed to show the resolve to do so in order to stop them.

However, actually striking would result in some casualties.

Finding the right balance was truly daunting.

It was far more challenging than simply defeating an enemy…


Yet, this time, there was no need for such mental strife; they were fleeing in the next moment.

An overwhelming disparity in power.

And the irregular factor of a Hero siding with the demons.

Perhaps these factors combined to make them choose retreat.

“You’ve gained quite a bit of power since our previous encounter.”

Vila observed the aftermath of the lightning strike I unleashed.

“Power that comes after ‘Self-Sacrifice’… perhaps.”


“When you come back from the brink of death, you gain even greater power… I’ve heard that ancient Heroes had such a trait from the previous Demon Lord.”

“Is that so…”

I had never heard of such stories before.

“This might be a tale known only among the demon side.”

Vila murmured.


At that moment, a familiar voice came from ahead.

A party of five approached, four of whom had recognizable faces.

“You all…”

I held my breath.

Words escaped me.

I had a premonition.

But facing them on the battlefield, my feelings were still conflicted.

The four individuals were my fellow comrades from the Hero’s party… Tiana, Katrea, Ingrid, and Efemia.

“Sion, you’re alive…?”

Tiana murmured in astonishment.


I gazed at them sternly.

I… was almost killed by them.

Despite being trusted companions.

They had tried to sacrifice me to kill the Demon Lord.

To them, I was nothing but a tool to defeat the Demon Lord.

My chest stirred.

My heart ached…

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

魔王は勇者の可愛い嫁 ~パーティの美少女4人から裏切られた勇者、魔王と幸せに暮らします。4人が勇者殺しの大罪人として世界中から非難されてる?まあ因果応報かなぁ~
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Japanese
The final battle with the Demon King. Hero Sion had the Demon King cornered, but was betrayed by the four beautiful girls who were his companions, and they were all blown up with the Demon King. However, saved by the Demon King, Sion miraculously survives and starts living in the Demon King’s country under the condition that his injuries heal! The Demon King’s name is Vila. Despite her lovely appearance, she struggles to lead the radical faction of demons who are eager to start a war with humans due to their strong power. Sion, who sympathizes with Vila, his lifesaver, and her efforts to protect the demon tribe’s way of life and peace, cooperates in suppressing the radicals while concealing his hero identity. The two gradually become attracted to each other and end up in a political marriage for certain reasons! Sometimes sweet, sometimes with a tense distance, their happy newlywed life begins… On the other hand, the four who betrayed Sion, initially praised as heroes who saved the world, gradually begin to reveal the crime of killing the hero…?!


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