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Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist


At the Academy, there are facilities known as Training Fields. 

According to the rules, students are allowed to fight in the training grounds as long as they do not use the secret sword techniques known as Break Arts.

“Damn, I can’t get a single hit!”

“Your movements are too direct. To prevent your opponent from guessing your next move, you should be more skillful at concealing it. Maybe try a feint or something like that.”

“Got it! So I’ll move to the right! Got it? To the right!”

“Maybe it’s to the left.”

“Did you read my mind?”

Darius’ attack was easily deciphered, and he received a counterattack from Theo. Despite being injured, he did not suffer any damage, thanks to a magical artifact that absorbs a certain amount of damage, which was installed in the training fields.

While Theo was fighting, Celsia clashed with a female student and engaged in a fierce duel with slender swords.

“Once again, I can’t beat her. What am I missing?”

She was visibly distressed. The reason she was struggling against an inferior opponent was because of the timing of her attack.

Celsia had no lack of fighting or strategic skills. If only she hadn’t misjudged the timing of her attack, she would have been an easy opponent to defeat.

At the moment she was about to attack again, a hesitation appeared and stopped her steps. Although she knew the reason, she decided to ignore it for the time being without mentioning it.

By the way, I am in the middle of a match with a classmate. I continued to skillfully dodge his attacks on the field, handling the situation with ease.

“Damn it, I give up challenging you!”

“I haven’t even touched you yet.”

“It’s impossible to defeat you. What’s worse, you’re not even trying to hit me back. I’m leaving, I can’t take it. Sniff

My opponent ran out of the facilities with tears in his eyes. 

Damn it. I was too distracted by my surroundings and completely ignored him. Turns out he’s more sensitive than I thought. Though I don’t know his name.

Suddenly, cheers erupted throughout the facilities. 

At the center of the commotion were two male students. Just by looking at the second-year emblems on their chests, it was immediately obvious that they were senpais.

“They’re louder than usual today.”

“The first year student who received a real sword is probably practicing right now. I hear there’s a group of amazing talents this year. How about we test how skilled they are?”

“Once again, you are falling back on your bad habits. Axel, aren’t you a noble like the rest?”

“Are you going to scold me like a noble, Albert? I couldn’t care less.”

“That is not my intention. Besides, it would be better if you watch your language.”

They are famous sophomores. 

The handsome boy with short black hair and a sharp face is Axel Ward. The handsome boy with long blond hair tied in a bow over his shoulder is Albert Hartman. Both are known not only for their looks, but also for being skilled magicians. In addition to their magical prowess, they both have excellent grades and exemplary behavior.

They are an unbeatable duo, beloved by both senpais and kohais for their kindness. Even if only one of them shows up at the freshman assembly, they are guaranteed to cause a stir.

“We were going to practice alone, but I’ve changed my mind. I’ll stay and help you practice. Whoever feels up to it, step forward. Albert and I will face you.”

“Are you up to the challenge?” 

Their call was answered by Darius. His serious face seemed to choose his words carefully, unusual for him.

“Well, I see we have a brave one.”

“Very well, we’ll accept the challenge.” 

“Thank you!”

Axel and Darius took their fencing stances. 

Both are skilled swordsmen, but according to the rules, they are not allowed to use the secret sword techniques such as Break Arts. 

The match begins and Darius attacks bravely. However, all of his attacks are dodged. 

“Use magic more actively. We’re not just swordsmen, we’re magicians. The sword is just a tool to use magic more efficiently. Don’t lose sight of that.” 

“Got it!”

Axel appears to be a wind user. He easily disperses Darius’ close-range fire magic, and in the end, without receiving a single blow, he puts his sword to Darius’ neck. 

“As expected from Senpai Axel. I couldn’t do anything.” 

“You showed an elegant sword technique. I will challenge you again, so keep trying.” 

When the two step back, it’s Albert’s turn. 

“I choose him.” 


Albert chooses Theo. With a refreshing smile, Albert explained his reasoning. 

“It seems that Theo is a quad wizard. There are also rumors of his skill with the sword. Curiosity is human nature. I won’t hold back, so please accept my challenge.”

“I see. In that case, I will attack in earnest.” 

Albert gave me a sideways glance. It seemed like he was asking for permission, but I chose to ignore it. 

The fight began and the swords clashed. 

Theo attacked boldly, interweaving fire and wind, while Albert used water to defend and prepare a counterattack. Theo had a slight advantage, but Albert blocked his progress with a solid defense.

That Albert was toying with him. With his skill, the fight should have been over from the start. Theo must also have realized that he’s being underestimated. 

Albert took advantage of a momentary lapse in concentration and struck Theo lightly on the shoulder with his sword.

“I lost.”

“I was surprised by your strength. I let my senpai pride speak this time, but what about next time? I would definitely like to get along as a normal companion from now on. Is that okay?”

“Of course. If you have time, would you like to tell me more about the academy and the second year students? I might even invite you for tea, if that’s okay.”

“If I’m the one doing the inviting, it will be for something better. Take care.”

They both sheathed their swords and shook hands. 

When beautiful Theo and handsome Albert were together, they shone like dancing petals. The students couldn’t contain their excitement and breathed heavily. 

If this were an Otome dating game, both of them would undoubtedly be targets for conquest.

I found myself in a quiet room filled with books. 

The only sound is the rustling of pages being turned. This is the Academy’s library, which houses a vast number of books. 

Our school, with its long history, has amassed extensive knowledge regardless of genre. With few visitors, it has become the ideal place for research or leisure. My current favorite is Monster Ecology. Not long ago, I delved into history.

There are details that cannot be explained by games or manuals. It is very likely that many things are very similar, but if you pay attention, you will surely find differences. This world remains a mystery in many ways.

In fact, I have made countless new discoveries in my research.

The monsters that appeared in the game were only a fraction of the total. There are unknown monsters and races in this world.

There are still vast and unknown lands, regions that humans cannot access.

More I investigate, the more unfamiliar words appear, and my hand doesn’t stop turning pages.

It would be great to travel the world alive after graduating from the Academy. In my past life, I didn’t have the opportunity to travel abroad, but in this life, I would definitely like to try.

As I was looking for books in front of the bookshelf, a male student approached me.

“Looks like they’re moving tonight.”

“It’s to be expected. They can’t leave such excellent materials unattended. However, it took them a while to move. Could there be some confusion in the command system due to the destruction of the base?”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Take direct command. Please inform Cat.”


Albert walked away quietly, making no noise with his steps.

This event is something I have eagerly awaited.

If I can successfully overcome it, I will be able to greatly strengthen my military resources. As an added benefit, it will also greatly weaken the enemy’s forces. I have been anxious to know when it will begin, and lately, I have hardly been able to sleep at night.

I took the book I wanted to borrow from the shelf and went to the counter.

At the counter, a student with glasses seemed to be lost in thought, almost in a feverish state.

“Albert-senpai… What is a wonderful person like you doing here?”

“Um, I would like to check out a book.”


Bah, I really don’t understand how these handsome young men attract meaningless glances.

I’m going to ignore Sheep for a while.

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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