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Chapter 4: The protagonist and the heroines

The protagonist and the heroines

We passed through a door so giant that it seemed it could easily accommodate not only people but an entire commoners’ house as well.

Upon crossing the main door, we entered the grounds of the Academy. A long cobblestone path stretched straight ahead, surrounded by beautiful green grass like a carpet.

As we advanced along the cobblestone path with other students traveling in carriages, an imposing five-story building stood out. Soon, we reached the entrance. Of course, we couldn’t enter the building in carriages, so we had to alight at the entrance and continue on foot.

After ensuring that the carriage came to a complete stop, Fran and I alighted in order. The locker area was already bustling with new students.

“The view from outside is impressive… But the view from inside is also magnificent, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. You can probably only see this panorama at this time of year.”

“No doubt.”

The hustle and bustle of the students at the entrance, except for the buzz of today’s entrance ceremony, was unusual, only experienced just before extended holidays like summer. I thought about joining them, but I paused for a moment, watching their backs move with just a glance. At that moment…


In the midst of the crowd, I spotted a familiar back. It wasn’t someone known to me. It wasn’t a memory from Hermes, but a memory from my past life.

There were five girls.

Walking elegantly, with their beautiful golden hair waving in the wind… Minerva Von Sunlight.

With her white hair evoking winter snow and a cool atmosphere… Freya Von Winter.

With strands of warm spring green, symbolizing wisdom… Aurora Von Cloud.

The magic prodigy beloved by magic and who loves magic. The unmatched genius… Leah Laintaina.

With a dual nature, displaying a malicious duality despite her aptitude for sacred magic… Iris Electia.

Gold. White. Green. Black. Peach.

Each of them swayed their hair in the characteristic color that defines them. Despite being at a certain distance, their presence was firmly noticeable before my eyes.

Since we were enrolled in the same school, I expected to have opportunities to encounter them… But I found them too soon.

We had no relationship, so I shook my head slightly and relaxed the facial muscles that had tensed.

Calm down. I’m not the protagonist. Let the main character of the story solve their problems… I just have to follow my own path, right?

I mentally reviewed my established goals and tried to stay calm. Although I was about to approach the heroines, I am no longer a commoner like in my past life. As a noble of the ducal family, I must behave with caution.

…That being said, I will even keep their silhouettes in my memory. It’s not allowed to be a fan and retain these memories, right?


I changed my shoes and entered the school building.

I had previously been informed through a letter of the class to which I belonged. Without hesitation, I headed towards the indicated classroom.

Usually, new students are assigned classrooms on the first or second floor. In my case, it was the second floor. I climbed the stairs, turned the corner, and saw a door with the number <1-1>.

Although I questioned why a classroom on the second floor was labeled with the number <1-1>, I had a more urgent question. Glancing inside the classroom, I saw the girls I remembered sitting at their desks.

That’s right. The main heroines.

Since I saw <1-1> written on the school letter, I suspected that the main characters of “Lovely Sorcerer” would also be in the classroom <1-1>.

In other words, while I, with knowledge of my past life, was just an extra, I was a classmate of these characters.

Ah… The boy with brown hair sitting in the front row was undoubtedly the protagonist who appeared in some CGs of the game. His common face stood out in the academy full of nobles.

I had hoped to maintain the least possible contact with them and avoid being involved in any unnecessary commotion. However, being in the same class, I had to accept that there would be a certain level of connection. As a true fan, I would be very excited to interact with them, but the line between interaction and tragedies in character scenarios is blurry.

With the hope of having a peaceful daily life, I entered the class with Fran, who seemed confused behind me. As soon as I entered, most of the students’ gazes turned towards me. Without needing to see their looks, I already knew they were staring at me with yellow eyes.

“Always so popular, aren’t you? The intense gazes of the ladies also affect me, being a maid.”

“Well, they’re fifteen. In an academy, having suitable classmates for future matrimonial engagements is ideal. Although I’m not engaged to anyone…”

“Your presence radiates a potential threat. Make sure to be careful when you’re alone.”

“I understand. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’m still not interested in romance.”

That being said, I looked for an empty seat away from the heroines and sat down. I spent time leafing through a book while listening to the sound of the bell echoing throughout the building, announcing the arrival of the teacher to the class.

“Good morning, everyone. I am Theresia Floyd, in charge of class <1-1>. Despite being responsible, my specialty is applied magic, so we might not see each other much. Anyway, I ask for your cooperation during this year.”

After Professor Theresia Floyd bowed, we, her students, also bowed and said, “We ask for your help”.

According to Hermes, the Floyd family holds the title of viscount. It is clear that even the teachers are purebred nobles.

“With that, we conclude the introductions. Please exit the hallway and line up. We will hold our entrance ceremony at the Training Field, located next to the three buildings.”

Following Professor Theresia’s instructions, the students of class <1-1> exited to the hallway. I positioned myself at the end of the line and followed the procession after the roll call.

The third building is one of the three buildings that make up the Academy’s campus. 

The building in front of the main entrance is the second building; turning left after the lobby leads to the first building, and turning right gives access to the third building, where facilities mainly used for classes are located.

Was it really necessary to divide the school into three buildings anyway? 

It’s not limited to theoretical teaching. From martial arts to magic practice, it seems that such extensive facilities would be needed to provide this type of education. 

While playing the game, I had never questioned this, but observing and hearing it in person, I wonder if it was really necessary to invest so much money in it. Surely it was. 

However, being a common person in my previous life, I cannot understand it. And really, I don’t have to.

Exiting the second building, where the classrooms of first and second-year students are located, and crossing a covered hallway, we arrived at the third building, our destination.

In the first Training Field, the closest one, all new students except those from class <1-1> were gathered, creating a much larger commotion than seen at the entrance. 

After being guided to our seats, the lights in the Training Field dimmed slightly late. Like a celebrity illuminated by a spotlight, an elderly man stepped onto the brightly lit stage.

“Dear new students, welcome. I am the director of this Academy…”

Speech by the man who calls himself the director of the Academy. After explaining the upcoming events, gradually, just like when we arrived, the students returned to their classrooms in class groups.

Being the last to enter the Training Field also means being the last to return to class. Not that I’m upset about it, but I think events like the entrance ceremony are a waste of time in any world. 

In fact, upon returning to class, we were faced with what we could call “a public identity exposition.” For those without friends or social skills, making a presentation in front of the whole class was an insurmountable challenge. 

Nevertheless, I couldn’t simply ignore it, so I did my best to push aside the sad memories of my previous life and completed the dull self-introduction.

Even though I managed to finish my presentation, the furtive glances of the students were bothersome. Could they stop staring every time I mention my name?

Although they looked as if they were about to say, “What about my fiancee?” for now, I have no intentions of falling in love until graduation. There are so many things I want to do before getting involved in love.

I contained my urge to head to the library, one of the school facilities where essential books for personal growth are available. The existence of the Library is crucial for leveling up efficiently from the start.

Completely ignoring presentations other than those of the heroines, I calmed my thoughts.

Suddenly, I realized that all my classmates’ presentations had concluded, and Professor Theresia said, “Starting tomorrow, classes will be held as usual. Remember not to be late,” before ending the day.

Alright! Now I have the whole afternoon free!

I quickly handed Fran the textbooks for classes and declared my intention to head to the Library for my future studies.

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
To conquer the heroine in the romantic action RPG 'Lovely Sorcerer,' high stats, accurate choices, and player skills are required. A young man who thoroughly played the game until completion wakes up one day to find himself inside 'Lovely Sorcerer.' He quickly understands that he has been reincarnated into the game world, but the character he embodies – Hermes von Luna Celaria – is nothing more than a nameless mob noble in the main story. Though slightly shocked, he decides to aim for the strongest position as Hermes in a world he longed for, despite being just a mob. Yet, there is still something he does not know. This place is subtly different from the world he knows well...


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