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Chapter 4: The beginning of the main story

The beginning of the main story

It was a year and several months before the main story began…

Five people stood silently in a moonlit forest.

All of them wore raised black cloaks with animal-like hoods.

Scattered around them were the bodies of demons, monsters that far exceeded their stature.

“I think we’ve taken out most of them. Next time, we’ll have to look for stronger demons.” the young man with the sheepskin hood said calmly.

The only reaction came from the young woman under the dragon hood, who was holding a sword.

“If we continue like this, we’ll have to travel far. I don’t like long journeys. Hey, Cat, go get me a big and promising booty.”

“I am not your servant. In fact, I’m above you in position.”

“I don’t care about hierarchy. After my master, I’m the strongest.”

The young woman under the cat’s hood, known as Cat, sighed.

Her long silver hair peeked out from under the hood, and her crimson eyes shone like precious gems in the darkness of the night.

As I listened to their conversation, I stood with a frog mask. By the way, I made the mask myself. Unlike them, I don’t care about the hood as long as it hides my identity. Well, it depends on my mood.

I approached the young man under the wolf’s hood and spoke to him.

“Wolf, how’s everything going?”

“Everything is fine. We’ve already crossed the finish line.”

“That’s good. Please continue with the arrangement.”


The woman with the seductive appearance under the rabbit hood yawned boredly.

“The master plans to enroll in the magic school, right?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Haha, I’m really looking forward to it. I’m going to spoil you, so get ready.”


“No problem with a little fun. If Cat were in the same position, you’d think the same thing, right?”

“T-That’s not…”

Faced with Bunny’s unexpected comeback, Cat looked away.

These five are the best of the best, raised by me. Cat leads the group, followed by Sheep, Dragon, Wolf and Bunny. Of course, these aren’t their real names. They’re more like code names.

And above them, at the top, is the Master, who is me.



Cat, her silver hair fluttering, knelt respectfully. Following her lead, the other four kneeled and bowed their heads.

The battle with them will begin soon. It’s time to take the revenge we have longed for. If you fear death, I don’t want you by my side. But if you’re ready, I want you to follow me to the end.

“The future the Master points to is our hope. The answer is already clear.”

The eyes of the five showed no hesitation.

The beginning of the main story is about to start…

A few days ago I turned 15.

I stood on the platform of the train station holding a large bag.

Occasionally I saw boys and girls in school uniforms with swords at their waists and luggage. They were the uniforms of the Wistan Magic Academy, mostly blue.

I, too, wore the new uniform and carried my favorite sword at my waist.

The main setting of the story is the Wistan Magic Academy in the capital.

Most students are nobles. Apparently, commoners can also get in, but it’s difficult unless they have connections or extraordinary talent.

In my case, since my father is a count, getting through the course and graduating will be a sure thing without having to do much.

As long as I don’t cause too many problems, of course.


The whistle of a train can be heard in the distance.

The train moving along the tracks is a kind of magical train that resembles a locomotive.

The civilization of this world is quite advanced.

There is paper-making technology, printing, and even communication devices similar to telephones. The airships, which don’t need propellers or jet engines, also fly normally. However, there are no automobiles.

The reason for this strange contradiction is the use of magical elements and magic itself. Magic has achieved technological advances that would take centuries with steam or electricity.

The result is a strange civilization that is in some ways inferior to Earth and in other ways superior.

Apparently there is also an influence from an extinct prehistoric civilization, but there are no details about it in the work or the material collection, so it’s unknown.

Was there a story associated with a discarded setting? Or maybe they planned to release it later as downloadable content (DLC)?

The magic train arrived at the platform and the doors opened.

After boarding, I took a seat by the window. Then I opened the book I had brought with me to pass the time until the journey was over.

“Mind if I sit here?”

Suddenly I heard a voice and looked up.

The train had been moving for several hours. It seemed that he had just gotten on at a station during the previous stop. It was a boy, wearing the same blue uniform as me.

Maybe this guy is…?


“Thank you.”

The calm, blond-haired boy stowed his luggage in the overhead compartment and took a seat across from me. I subconsciously watched his face.

“Do I have something on my face?”

“No, you just looked like someone I know, so…”

“You’re wearing the Winstan Magic Academy uniform, right? Nice to meet you.”

I looked at the hand he held out. After a moment, I shook his hand with a smile.

“I’m Will Starfield.”

“I’m Theodore Williams. Call me Theo, no need for formality.”

“Got it. Call me Will.”

We exchanged friendly greetings. Inside, I felt extremely nervous.

Of course, Theo is the protagonist of this story.

He seemed calm, as if he had met an admired celebrity. But had there really been a meeting on the train? I remember reading something about traveling together on the train.

“Are you Will Starfield? The nobleman?”

“Don’t worry. I don’t like to be treated with reverence for my position or my last name.”

“I understand. I felt a little uncomfortable, afraid I had been rude.”

“I can’t speak for other nobles, but personally, it doesn’t bother me in the least. In fact, having the opportunity to establish a relationship with a potential classmate so quickly was fortunate. Starting school without friends or family can be lonely.

“I feel the same way. I’m glad to have met you.”

By that time I had decided how much I should act.

I shouldn’t interfere too much and never become a close friend. 

I want to be just an ordinary friend, a supporting character. 

Also, it should be very clear that I’m not worthy of being a close friend, weak and useless. In other words, a minor supporting character.

“I don’t want you to have high expectations, but I’ll tell you up front. I don’t have enough power to compete with the rest of the Starfield family. I have a limited amount of magic, and I can’t even use it satisfactorily.”

“That’s a shame. I don’t judge people by their status or abilities. But thank you for confiding in me. Somehow it seems that Will and I could have a nice friendship.”

“I suppose.”

“Yes, yes!”

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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