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Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon [Ch 20]

The old man at the weapon shop

After entering the armory shop, I explained to the intimidating bald clerk, Oosako-san, about what had transpired outside.

Interestingly, Oosako-san is the manager of the shop and was apparently a highly skilled seeker in the past, much more advanced than the man named Nitta.

Although he still possesses his skills, he no longer actively explores dungeons. Instead, he runs the armory shop. He is also expected to mediate conflicts between seekers when they arise.

After hearing our account, Oosako-san gave his impressions.

“Hmm, I see. I always had a feeling Nitta was up to no good, but this time, it’s beyond tolerable. Bullying rookies is one thing, but what he did goes far beyond that.”

“Um… do you believe our side of the story without bias?”

Kazane-san asked hesitantly, and Oosako-san chuckled.

“Of course. There’s a clear difference in demeanor between him and you guys. Plus, he brought it upon himself. Add to that the recent situation, there’s no room for doubt.”

“Oh, thank you!”

“Don’t mention it. I’m just the type of weapons shop old man who chooses his customers.”

With a glint in his eye, the bald store manager smiled. Cool. Admirable.

According to Kazane-san, she met the man named Nitta on her second day of dungeon exploration.

“He said things like ‘I, a veteran seeker, will form a party for you’ and ‘I’ll teach you everything you need to know about being a seeker.'”

Feeling uncomfortable with his attitude, Kazane-san politely declined with an excuse, leading to the baseless altercation earlier.

Oosako-san mentioned that if we consult the Dungeon Comprehensive Guide about this incident, depending on the investigation results, Nitta could face suspension of his seeker license.

“Some suggest treating seekers like military personnel, enforcing strict discipline, and running them like an army. However, the strong opposition from skilled seekers has put that idea on hold. I’m among those against it.”

“Why is that?”

“Seekers without freedom aren’t interesting, right?”

He chuckled again. I could empathize with that sentiment, but I wonder about the implications. This Oosako-san might be quite laid-back, after all.

Well, that’s a discussion for another time.

“I feel frustrated… I knew I was still a rookie seeker and lacked power, but to be so outmatched.” 

I clenched my fist tightly. Perhaps things had been going too smoothly, and there was a sense of complacency within me. My strength was completely ineffective against that thug-like man, making me feel helpless in the situation. Even if I had used the spear, the outcome would likely have been the same.

I earnestly wished to become stronger than I am now. So, let’s consider this incident as a wake-up call for myself – a harsh reality check. Yet, what that man intended to do to Kazane-san is unforgivable.

“The standard power level for most seasoned seekers is in that class. Seekers like me with ‘Limit Breakthrough’ are exceptions,” Oosako-san explained.

“‘Limit Breakthrough’? What is that…?”

“Yeah. But it’s not something to worry about now. Encountering the ‘Limit Breakthrough Event’ is purely a matter of luck.”

Oosako-san then clapped his hands. 

“Alright, let’s get back to business. What did you both come to buy today?”

“Oh, right.”

Kazane-san summoned her ‘Item Box’ and retrieved a sword from it. She expressed her intention to sell it to Oosako-san.

As for the ‘Item Box,’ it appeared in my list of learnable skills now that I had reached level 5. While it’s not mandatory if I were to team up with someone like Kazane-san who already possesses it, I find it convenient and would like to learn it myself.

“Hmm. I appraised it with ‘Item Identification,’ it’s just a regular Broadsword. The durability seems intact, and I can offer you 15,000 yen for it.”

Kazane-san looked at me upon hearing this, and I nodded in agreement. The sale was finalized for 15,000 yen.

However, there’s a tax deduction involved in this transaction. Unlike standard recycling shops, seeker item sales are considered business transactions, hence subject to this regulation. Annoying.

As a result, from the sale of the Broadsword, Kazane-san and I each received an additional income of 6,750 yen. Still a significant amount.

By the way—

“Um, Oosako-san”

“Stop. I’m the weapons shop old man, so call me ‘Old Man’ or ‘Old Man-san’,” the bald clerk insisted. It seemed to be a point of pride for him. That man Nitta also seemed to address him as Oosako-san, but well, it doesn’t matter.

“Got it. Old Man, what did you mean by ‘Durability’?”

I was curious about how the ‘Durability’ of the Broadsword influenced its purchase price.

“Well, it’s like the remaining lifespan of a weapon or armor before it breaks. If it’s unused, it starts at 100. Every attack or damage taken decreases this value, and when it reaches 0, the item breaks. You can check the remaining ‘Durability’ with the ‘Item Identification’ skill.”

“I see.”

I don’t have the ‘Item Identification’ skill, and it’s not in my list of learnable skills either. I’m not sure about Kazane-san.

“On the flip side, as long as it doesn’t reach 0, the gear continues to function at its full capacity. If it’s armor, even if pierced once, it will be repaired. How much ‘Durability’ an item consumes through usage depends on the item itself.”

Items from dungeons are truly remarkable. They might be even more magical than magic itself.

Kazane-san chimed in, “Speaking of which, I’ve been curious about something. The clothing Rokusou-san wears isn’t ‘Dungeon Clothing,’ right?”

“‘Dungeon Clothing’? Is there such a thing?”

“Yes, indeed. Dungeon clothing crafted using magic stones functions similar to gear – it repairs quickly even if damaged and can even clean off any bloodstains. Of course, as long as the ‘Durability’ doesn’t run out.”


I realized that the outfit I wore yesterday had quite a few holes here and there. It would be troublesome if the clothes became unusable, so I was contemplating what to do.

“We also sell dungeon clothing at our shop. Feel free to take a look,” the bald clerk – the weapons shop old man – offered with a thumbs-up and a friendly smile.

Hmm, dungeon exploration incurs various expenses. If I consider my income as just like a part-time job’s salary, it won’t be enough. I’ve heard that freelancers and sole proprietors can earn about three times as much as a salaryman, factoring in expenses and taxes. Of course, it depends on the profession.

One thing’s for sure, if I plan to continue as a seeker, I need to aim for higher earnings without being content with the current situation.

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Japanese

In the modern world, dungeons suddenly appeared, and about thirty years ago, individuals known as 'Seekers,' who are dungeon adaptors, began to emerge among people.

Taichi Rokuyari, a high school graduate and single freeter, one morning realizes he has become a 'Seeker.' Seekers are individuals with unique abilities such as levels, stats, and skills.

Taichi Rokuyari, on his bicycle, heads to a nearby dungeon and begins to explore it, facing trial and error. This is the story of a young man who gradually gains strength by increasing his level, acquiring skills, defeating monsters, and converting magic stones obtained from them into cash.


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