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I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! [Ch 20]

Extreme Swordsmen

“A fight? Between whom?”

At my impromptu suggestion, Freya tilted her head.

“Of course, between Freya-san and Sera-san. I will observe their confrontation and point out their weaknesses. How does that sound?”

“Ah, I see… it’s a point of compromise, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

It seems Freya agrees with my proposal. At the same time, she looks at Sera by her side.

Sera, being observed by Freya and me, flinches, her shoulder trembling. She probably doesn’t have much confidence in herself, evident in the worried expression on her face.

“I-I… against the Sword Master’s daughter, Freya… There’s no way I can win, right?”

“I’m not telling you to win. It’s just an opportunity for us to see your abilities. Of course, Freya will have to hold back. Is that okay?”

“Understood… I’ll do it.”

Sera nods reluctantly.

She seems to exude a sense of resignation in her whole being. Defeat is inevitable if a defeatist attitude is assumed from the start, completely limiting true potential.

Even though I have compassion for her situation so far, it was she who sought to learn how to handle the sword. She must be willing to take this on.

“So, now that we’ve reached an agreement, we’ll fight in a more open place.”

“Eh? Are we going to the Training Field…?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m busy. I can’t afford to waste time going there. If you’re afraid of a real fight, then the discussion ends here.”

Despite her firmness, it was they who insisted on something impossible. My ability to concede has its limits.

“I don’t mind. I’ll be careful not to harm you.”

“Alright… I’ll give it a try.”

Sera has also made a decision.

So, Freya, Sera, and I move to a less frequented area of the school, away from curious onlookers.

We established the same rules as in the exam where the use of magic was prohibited, and both drew their swords from their sheaths.




“Then, let’s begin the simulated combat.”

I flip a coin. As it spins in the air, the coin falls to the ground.

—Immediately after, they both kick off the ground at the same time.

Although there was a difference in their physical abilities, it seems Sera has excellent reflexes.

She moved forward just as the coin dropped. On the other hand, Freya reacted a bit later than Sera, but due to her superior physical ability, she was able to catch up to Sera even with that delay.

The clash of their swords echoed with a metallic clang. Despite their similar speeds, the difference in strength couldn’t be compensated for by Sera’s sharp reflexes.

As they clashed blades, Freya’s sword gradually pushed back Sera’s. In a desperate attempt, Sera deflected Freya’s sword and retreated, while Freya pursued her with zigzag steps.

Her movements were unpredictable. At times she slowed down to confuse her opponent’s senses.

This tactic successfully disrupted Sera’s technique. Despite Sera’s efforts to defend herself using her fast reflexes, her defense soon began to falter, and the gap in their skills became critical during a moment of combat.

Although Sera’s attacks were sometimes faster, it was evident that Freya was controlling the situation with her physical ability and sense of combat. No matter how fast Sera could react, her body couldn’t keep up.

That’s right… she would soon tire out and lose.

The situation unfolded just as I had anticipated.

Unstoppable like a storm, Freya’s swift attacks completely overwhelmed Sera’s movements, who gradually succumbed to the difference in power.

Taking advantage of an opening revealed by fatigue, Freya’s upward sword strike forcefully knocked Sera’s sword out of her hands, sending it flying. Pointing the tip of her sword towards the now disarmed Sera, Freya declared victory.

“End of the combat. Freya is the winner.”

As the signal for the end was given, the fallen sword stuck into the ground.

Defeated, Sera sat on the ground looking down in frustration.

Although she had stated from the beginning that she couldn’t win, her expression of disillusionment was evident.

If she gets frustrated so clearly, then she can surely become even stronger. Despite this, thinking so, I told her without consideration.

“That was a good match. Even though Freya was holding back, Sera’s skill exceeded my expectations.”


Upon hearing my words, Sera looked up with a surprised expression.

“First of all, Sera has impressive reflexes. She probably also has excellent spatial awareness. Just with that, she at least surpasses Freya. However, your movements are slower. You seem nervous and, falling behind, it becomes quite complicated. Perhaps your talent leans more towards offense than defense.”

Physical abilities like strength can be improved through training.

Although her swift reflexes can be fully expressed in defense, I believe her true ability could shine more in offense. With that sharp reaction, if she can apply it to attack, she undoubtedly has great potential.

Furthermore, for someone as timid as her, this would be a better option.

“On the other hand, Freya relies too much on her physical abilities and instinct. Her slow reaction and inability to anticipate movements demonstrate this. While it’s understandable that she seeks to be faster and stronger, what if she tries to take a defensive position? I believe someone like you would do better by controlling distance precisely rather than trying to be faster and stronger. It’s the type of combat I consider suitable, just like my style.”

“Your combat style? Are you referring to what we saw yesterday?”

“Yes, exactly. While Sera can gauge distance with her natural reaction abilities and spatial perception, I think it would be more beneficial for Freya to learn theoretically rather than just relying on her abilities. In fact, by solely depending on her skill, she was surprised multiple times by Sera’s attacks.”

In a way, they are both opposite extremes.

“Sera has excellent vision, but her progress is slow and lacks much talent in swordsmanship. On the other hand, Freya excels in swordsmanship, physical ability, and sense, but because of this, her aggressive side stands out. If their skills were to merge, they would be the strongest.”

By the way, I (Hermes) possess both qualities. It’s truly a benefit of reincarnation. It’s like cheating for real.

Gauging distance. Trying to counterattack defensively…

I will take the initiative and attack boldly… leveraging my strengths to break through the opponent’s defense…

“Well, that was just a suggestion. It’s okay to maintain your current style, Sera can play defensively and Freya can be more aggressive. The key is to find what suits you best. Stagnation crushes both strength and talent. It’s important to reflect and find the best solution for yourselves.”

I’m just a player and a supporting character, I can’t give fencing advice. However, by saying something like this, they should be satisfied. Their success depends on them.

“Alright, I’m off to the dungeon now. See you later.”

I can’t continue with them any longer.

I bid them farewell with a wave and part ways from the two lost in their thoughts.

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
To conquer the heroine in the romantic action RPG 'Lovely Sorcerer,' high stats, accurate choices, and player skills are required. A young man who thoroughly played the game until completion wakes up one day to find himself inside 'Lovely Sorcerer.' He quickly understands that he has been reincarnated into the game world, but the character he embodies – Hermes von Luna Celaria – is nothing more than a nameless mob noble in the main story. Though slightly shocked, he decides to aim for the strongest position as Hermes in a world he longed for, despite being just a mob. Yet, there is still something he does not know. This place is subtly different from the world he knows well...


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