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Chapter 17: Celsia’s special training (2)

Celsia's special training (2)

A forest several kilometers from the capital.

The monsters that inhabit this place are (in my opinion) very weak, making it the perfect place to gain combat experience.


“I can’t do it! It’s impossible!”

“Do it. You just have to defeat it like you did with the Bear.”

“This time I will die! I will definitely die!”

I sighed at Celsia’s head shake.

In front of us, a little over a meter long venomous black jaguar bared its fangs and growled.

“Don’t you want to overcome your fear? Are you going to give up here?”


“Get up. If you don’t want to be useless, show your worth by fighting.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

She wiped her tears, stood up, and gripped the knife.

That’s it. The real you is strong.

You have technical skills and magical power; you excel in every aspect. Only your fear overshadows that. Regain yourself.

“Winning to survive. Yes, I’m not worthless. I am the pig the master trusts.”

Hmm? Wait, I didn’t say that, don’t put words in my mouth.

Well, never mind. As long as she can overcome it.

Anticipating the landing place of the jumping jaguar, she dodged slightly and attacked with the knife.

The jaguar, upon landing, emitted a cry resembling a wail as it was cut.

“Water Ball!”

A water sphere shot finished off the jaguar.

As its posture faltered, Celsia plunged the blade’s tip into its neck.

The venomous black jaguar emitted a final cry and fell breathless.

“Master, I won!”

“Good job.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

She’s an excellent girl, absorbing everything like a sponge.

You’re excellent. You absorb like a sponge.

Somehow, she’s quicker to grasp than the other five.

Well, no wonder, since everything for them was from scratch.

“I think it’s time to head back. From here on, everything goes back to normal.”

“Y-Yes. Yes, you’re right.”

Several days have passed since her training began, and we were both completely accustomed to this kind of interaction.

I returned the sacred sword to her, and together we made our way back to the city along the path. Just after the forest, there’s a meadow.

On the way back from where the capital could be seen, I asked the question I had in mind.

“It’s a bit late to ask, but can I ask you something?”

“Of course. What is it?”

High-ranking nobles are given a sacred sword from a young age. However, you didn’t have one until the ceremony. Is there any special reason? If it’s a sensitive issue, you don’t need to answer.”

“Haha, it’s not something I’m hiding, nor is it disrespectful.”

She responded with a gentle smile.

“In the Rains family, from which I come, direct successors are granted an SS-ranked sacred sword that strongly inherits the family’s blood. Specifically, it’s the Founder’s sacred sword. Because they receive a powerful sacred sword that is already complete, it’s determined that they will receive their personal sword after entering the school.”

Ah, I see. I had forgotten that detail.

The Rains family is a special case, as it inherits the Founder’s sword as a weapon from generations past. The reason for this is that no human capable of creating an SS-ranked sacred sword was ever born, and the Founder’s sword was too powerful.

If you have a powerful weapon, use it. It’s a logical thought.

“I have an attachment to this sword. I would like to keep using it, but I guess I can’t keep saying that, can I?”

At her waist, she carried a sacred sword called the “Rivulet Shortcut Sword.” It was a slender sword of a light blue color like a clean river.

An A-ranked sacred sword that emits the sword art “Break Arts,” which handles a stream of water like a dragon. Although its rank is A, it possesses a threat potential that could reach SS rank depending on how it’s used.

Though it sounds cliché, most sacred swords depend on how they are used.

Ranking is mainly a measure of their basic abilities. Additionally, some sacred swords have hidden effects that not even the user knows. In fact, such things are common in Star Brave Fantasy.

“That sacred sword is your gift. If you believe in it, it will surely lead you wherever you want to go.”

“Yes, I believe so. Maybe. I feel braver.”



I pulled her arm and drew her toward me.

This was because a carriage passed by our side. A little more, and she would have been run over.

“Sorry, Will-kun.”

“I’m so sorry. I should have asked for permission before touching you.”

“It’s okay. More than that, it seems that touching you is a bigger issue for you than facing a monster, right?”


Well, it’s understandable. It would be disrespectful to touch the delicate skin of the duke’s daughter. Besides, she is Theo’s future bride. A ship is a ship.

The carriage stopped, and the coachman leaned out toward us.

“I’m sorry, kids. Are you hurt?”

“No, we’re fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Is that so? Then let me move on quickly.”

Shortly after, the carriage set off.


Celsia, with a red face, took a small step back to the side.

But for some reason, she stepped back half a step toward me.

“Um, Will-kun, if you don’t mind, why don’t we go for a coffee after this? Take it as a token of appreciation for listening to my problems.”

“In that case…”

It really is beneficial; I don’t have money, so it’s nice to be invited.

My tuition and living expenses are covered, but my father is so stingy that I don’t have extra money.

Well, with my knowledge of the game, I could get as much money as I want, but for now, I’m not really in a hurry, and it’s good to rely on people a little.

Yes, come to think of it, I’m quite stingy as well. It feels strange to feel connected by blood.

And so, Celsia and I enjoyed tea at an elegant café.


More than a week since we started training.

The change in Celsia was dramatic.

Perhaps the training brought out her latent abilities.

She narrowly dodged the claws of the Blazing Red Bear and cut it.

She creates multiple compressed water spheres and launches them all at once.

Each water ball, with great destructive power, doesn’t have as much penetration, but they were like rubber bullets, causing only damage, breaking bones.

The Blazing Red Bear roars.

“Are you trying to run away? It’s a sensible decision, but too late.”

Immediately after, she stabbed a knife in its back after attempting to flee.

The Blazing Red Bear fights violently. Grabbing its fur, she takes the knife in her mouth and shoots all the water bullets she can into the wound.

The Blazing Red Bear falls to its knees with white eyes.

“Make sure to finish it. Don’t let your guard down.”

She stabs the knife into the bear’s heart over and over again.

Even splattered with blood, she doesn’t seem concerned.

“Celsia Reins had become as strong as a beast.”

Observing the situation, I felt overwhelmed by this situation.

I went too far. I got too carried away. It was fine until I started providing advice. 

It was understandable to start the training. However, I went too far. 

I kept hunting tirelessly, both on weekdays and weekends, indiscriminately hunting prey, dismembering them, and eating their flesh.

There were results, no doubt. But the results caused an awakening in the worst sense. But…

“Master, what are we going to hunt next? Goblins? Orcs?” 


“Master, are you listening to me? Master, focus your eyes on me.” 

“Oh, yes.” 

The gaze she directed at me was not normal. 

It’s like the light had somehow gone out. It’s strange. 

I only gave her normal advice and trained her, nothing more. 

Was the military style inappropriate? 


But, at any rate, this has almost completely solved her concern. 

If she can engage in a life-and-death battle with monsters, she shouldn’t hesitate so much with humans.

A strong fighting spirit has already taken root within her.

It was a method that we took because her success was guaranteed, thanks to her talent. 

It would be a method that couldn’t be tested with other people. “

We will conclude the training from today.” 


 “You should no longer feel fear within you. The Master-student relationship has ended. Take the Sacred Sword and be Celsia Reins again.” 

“Are you not going to insult me by calling me a pig anymore?” 

“I never said that.” 

Am I hallucinating? I felt like I heard a strange phrase. 

The duke’s daughter wouldn’t want to be insulted, would she? 

She took her sword and bowed. 

“Will Starfield-sama. Thanks to much of your advice, I have managed to eliminate the fear I felt. I am deeply grateful.” 

“I also have experience in the matter. I couldn’t consider it just an outside matter.” 

“Haha, you are very kind. I hope that from now on we can get along well as close friends. I apologize for calling you an ugly pig.” 

“Me too… huh?” 

Did I hear something? 

Maybe the exhaustion finally affected my ears. It’s better for me to go to bed early tonight. 

That would be the best.

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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