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Chapter 13: The trap of Howlait (3)

The trap of Howlait (3)

The mouse running on the cold stone floor stops in front of Theo and sniffs his nose.

“Ugh, it smells really bad,” he complains, frowning as he wakes up from his sleep.

He tries to get up but finds himself unable to move. Theo realizes that his hands and feet are tied with ropes, which disturbs him intensely for a moment.

“Stay calm. For now, try to see if you can untie the ropes,” he tells himself.

He tries to pull hard on the ropes, but they don’t seem to loosen easily.

Realizing how difficult it will be to free himself, Theo looks away and re-evaluates the situation he is in.

(Iron bars. Am I locked in some dungeon?)

He desperately tries to remember why he is trapped, recalling what happened before falling asleep.

“Yes, I was taken hostage and I threw away the weapons. Then, an intense dream overwhelmed me… Am I in that guy’s lair or something?” 

As he sped up his thoughts in that way, Theo also worried about Marcus’s well-being.

The man who called himself Obsidian offered no guarantee of keeping his promise. However, Theo simply could not abandon Marcus.

Suddenly, his thoughts were shaken by a tremor.

“What was that? An explosion?”

Dust falls from the ceiling.

Theo sharpens his ears and focuses on the sound.

Multiple footsteps. Shouts and anxious voices.

The sound of clinking armors and metal weapons echoed in the building.

The voices and footsteps were approaching the cell where Theo was held.

“The enemy has invaded! Everyone who can fight, gather in the first-floor hallway!”

People in black cloaks run past the cell.

Shortly after, an explosion occurs, and the cell shakes violently. From the outer hallway, white smoke rises, and the faint groans of those who were there a moment ago reach Theo’s ears.

Stiff steps approach the cell.

“Oh, there you are. I’m glad to see you’re safe,” says a woman with a cat mask approaching the cell.

She wears an elegant long black coat, with a stylish white shirt and a short skirt. From her mask, shiny silver hair sticks out, and her red eyes capture Theo’s gaze.

She unsheathes her sword and, in an instant, cuts through the iron bars.

(Incredible. What a fast and precise sword!)

Theo was captivated by the woman who effortlessly entered the cell.

“Don’t move. I’m going to cut the ropes.”

“Thank you.”

Once his hands and feet are free, Theo stands up and steps back. Although grateful for being rescued, his distrust of his mysterious savior creeps in.

“Here, take it. It’s your sacred sword, isn’t it?”

“T–This… thank you,” Theo stutters as he manages to catch the silver sword suddenly thrown to him.

Perhaps she’s an ally, despite not knowing her, and he lowers his guard a little.

The building trembles again.

“It seems Dragon has already entered. It won’t be long before the building collapses. Are you Theo? Since I have given you the sacred sword, I suppose you can find your way back to the capital on your own.”

“Wait. What about my friend? Is Marcus safe?”

“Return to the academy and check for yourself. I have unfinished business. I’m leaving.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Cat. Bye.”

Cat leaves Theo there and departs.

Theo, clutching the sacred sword, remains there in a daze, not fleeing.

(How cool!)


Inside the fortress, I advanced further inside.

All the enemies that appeared were eliminated by Sheep and Wolf.

“They seem a bit stronger than the ones we faced before. Could they be the elite guards of the fortress?” Sheep comments.

“There are few of them. Don’t bother the Master with this, Sheep,” Wolf replies.

“I understand. But they’re not even worth warming up, it’s boring to defeat them.”

“Yes, they are weak. After all, they are just the base of the pyramid.”

As they conversed, Sheep made precise cuts at weak points with agile movements, and Wolf vertically split armors with fast, linear movements.

With nothing to do, I looked out the window, bored. It was all I could do, watch the moon and the forest.

However, castles are cool, aren’t they? I also want a building where I can gather and stay overnight.

Well, I already have one nearby, but it’s not a castle, right? I’d like to have a castle. That brings back childhood nostalgia.

“Sorry for being late.”

“Did you manage to free him?”

“Yes. I also gave you the Sacred Sword, so you should be able to return to the capital on your own.”

Cat returned to inform me about Theo’s escape.

Anyway, I had explained to others besides her in advance, so they probably won’t cut his head off as soon as he leaves the castle.

Sheep and Wolf had also finished for now.

Wolf called out to Cat as soon as he saw her.

“Cat, was anyone else kidnapped in the dungeon?”

“Only Theodore Williams was captured.”

“Has he been taken out, or is he still further ahead?”

He couldn’t say more, imagining the worst.

Of course, I know what will happen next.

The leader of this organization has gathered all his forces and maximum power to await.

The problem is how much that maximum is.

Since there are more enemies than expected, it’s very possible that the showdown with the boss is also heightened.

The building was shaking violently.

It’s probably Dragon.

It seems to be wreaking havoc inside the building. It’s troublesome, once it ignites, it destroys everything in its path regardless of its surroundings. I thought I had educated it well. Where did I go wrong?

The countdown to collapse has begun, at least until it collapses.

We’ll have to defeat the boss and escape, or we’ll be buried alive.

“You are the Order of Animal Knights, aren’t you?”

Howlita awaited us in a spacious room.

Of course, he wasn’t alone. Skilled men with hoods lined up to protect him, preparing their weapons.

“Why do you meddle in our activities? Out of a sense of justice? Out of revenge? Answer my question.”

Cat rushed to answer that question, but I quickly stopped her with my hand, and stepped forward toward the three men.

“My name is Ares. I am the one at the top of the Animal Knights.”

“Ares, interesting… Answer, why are you attacking us?”

Howlita swallowed nervously, expecting my response.

“I want to live for a long time…”

The atmosphere turned silent.

Howlita, who asked the question, seemed to have been paralyzed or lost in thought.

Damn, it slipped out. I unintentionally revealed my true purpose.

I need to divert attention quickly.

“And what do you seek? The destruction of the current world? Is that your goal?”

“As I thought, you already knew. The wisdom of chaos will shatter this world and recreate the world we idealize. In that world, there will be no poverty, inequality, envy, evil, or betrayal. There will be no conflict, it will be egalitarian, people will not age or die, and they will enjoy peace and tranquility.”

“Are you willing to sacrifice anything for that?”

“Only the chosen ones can go to the next world. Only the talented who sympathize with the ideal and possess strength and wisdom can go there. Nothing will be given to the useless. Rather, they should be grateful. They are sacrificing their lives for our noble purpose.”

Oh, he’s completely unhinged. He’s a typical example of escapism driven by an intoxicating ideal. And the worst part is that he believes he stands on the side of justice, which makes it even more disturbing.

But I understand his point.

It’s true that we would like to see poverty and inequality disappear. But from what they have mentioned, their ideal seems to imply the deprivation even of emotions.

And being immortal and not aging sounds strange. In general, offers that are too good tend to have a catch. Appearances are often deceptive, and things that sound too good usually have serious hidden risks.

In fact, their ideal will never come true, as they are the bait.

But no matter how much we try to explain it, they won’t be able to understand it, and they won’t even try. They are too absorbed in their adoration, it’s like they have a look of total fanaticism.

“I have no interest or empathy for the ideal you propose. If you say you’re going to destroy the world, I’ll just stand in your way. After all, I love this world.”

“You can’t understand. How foolish. How incredibly foolish. After all, you are also mundane. So learn this: resistance is futile. Die in despair and regret!”

Ten strange beings jumped from the ceiling.

These entities with irregular human forms were over two meters tall and had an extraordinary presence.

Slowly, I drew the Galaxy Sword.

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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