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Chapter 12: The trap of Howlait (2)

The trap of Howlait (2)

Wearing a demon mask and waving my long cloak, I continued walking, followed by four of my subordinates.

Our objective was one of the enemy outposts, “Omuris Fortress”. 

A place surrounded by forests, without any villages or towns, ideal for a battle. 

Of course, that’s what they thought, and that’s why they set up their base here; a place where they could commit all kinds of evil deeds without worrying about being seen. 

We who are pursuing them are not righteous; we are just as evil. We would do anything for our goal. We feel no remorse for killing or stealing, except for one detail: our evil rejects their evil. 

We don’t seek praise, position, or honor. We desire only the result we proclaimed at the beginning. 

“Sorry for the delay.” 

“No problem. Everything is on schedule.” 

Cat joined the group. I paused for a moment to look everyone in the face. 

Yes. Cat, Sheep, Dragon, Wolf, Bunny, they are all here. 

“Were there any casualties?” 

“A boy named Marcus was taken hostage, but I was able to free him unharmed. There may be a lot of commotion in the capital now because part of the park has caught fire.” 

“Why?! Oh no, how did that happen?” 

“The boy who was about to be captured unleashed the Secret Sword Art, the Break Arts, which caused the fire.” 

I see. If there was a fire, it was probably caused by the Flare Blade.

The Secret Sword Art, Break Arts, has a fire power that rivals the secrets of the Agnis Family.

Depending on the amount of magic infused when it was activated, it seems to have caused a massive explosion. By the way, Marcus was not originally supposed to accompany us. 

The idea was that only Theo would be kidnapped, and we would attack the enemy outpost in that scenario. 

In the game, Theo and Marcus seemed to get along, but I think the sequence of events was programmed for later. 

If I’m starting to move away from the close friend role, maybe Marcus will take over? If so, I’m glad. 

“Oh, could it be the Master’s Sacred Sword?” 

“Yes, it’s called the [Sword of Agony]. It’s a sacred sword that contains the earth attribute of breaking arts.” 

“How cool! I’m jealous!” 

As I pulled out the sword, Dragon beamed with excitement. Wolf, who was also looking at the sacred sword, expressed his initial impression. 

“It’s a bit inconspicuous. I thought sacred swords would be more flashy.” 



Cat and Sheep reacted immediately.

With a look of unusual hostility, Wolf stares at me intently. 

It seems that for these two, who adore me beyond loyalty, this was like stepping on a landmine. 

Well, it is indeed quite severe, and I think that’s good. 

“I’m very sorry, Master!” 

Wolf kneels. 

“It’s true that it is harsh. But this sacred sword has another side.” 

I infuse the Sword of Agony with stellar power. Immediately, its appearance changes, and a sacred sword with a black lacquer color appears. 

The blade is as black as the shining starry sky, and both the hilt and the guard change shape as if they were different entities. 

The aura it emits is crystalline like the winter night sky, neither holy nor malevolent, but a strange sacred sword that condenses the night.

“If I had to name it, I would call it the [Galaxy Sword]. From now on, I plan to use this sword in my clandestine activities. After all, the Sword of Agony is already known to be part of my arsenal.” 

“As expected, Master. It is said that the essence of the bearer is manifested in a sacred sword. The starry blade that outshines all is truly the pinnacle of transcendence and the highest testament.” 

Cat is exaggerating, but I do believe it is a powerful sacred sword. Although I can’t see the details because I can’t see statistics like in the game, it’s probably on par with the Silver Sword.

By the way, this is the first time I’ve made a sacred sword with a star attribute.

Theo’s sacred sword was fixed, so it never appeared in the end. Therefore, the power of the Galaxy Sword is unknown. 

“What is the plan?” 

“As previously agreed, a frontal attack.” 

“Understood. And the boy, what will we do with him?” 

“Release him when you find him.” 


The five of them follow me as we run through the forest. Soon I see a closed door. 

“Let me take care of this.” 

“Go ahead.” 

Dragon steps forward and approaches the door. In an instant, there is an explosion and the door disappears completely, causing him to burst out laughing. 

“It’s so fragile. It’s like straw.” 

“Here come the enemies! Dragon, Wolf, Bunny, take care of them.” 




More than five hundred enemy members appeared from all directions. 

They all wore black round cloaks with deep hoods and gloves with the snake emblem, all symbols of the organization. 

It couldn’t be seen at first glance, but the members have the emblem not only on their gloves, but also tattooed on their bodies. 

There are more enemies than expected. Was it a trap? 

Although I wouldn’t be surprised, it makes sense that they’d be on high alert after we wiped out so many outposts. 

It’s like walking into the lion’s den, but unfortunately for them, we’re like giant insects that can’t be burned or killed. 

“Intruders! Kill them!” 

“Those who defy our existence will perish in destruction and death.” 

“Haha, prey!” 

The enemies charge at us simultaneously. It’s a breathtaking sight. This is what is meant by the violence of the masses.

Roaring and successive explosions send the enemies flying through the air. 

The ground is filled with craters, and people who have lost arms and legs groan in pain. 

“It is satisfying to have so many targets. No matter where I aim, I always hit.” 

Dragon was the one who unleashed the fire attack.

With her charming voice and ferocity, she makes every word ring true. 

To them, this level of enemy is nothing more than a toy. They don’t even recognize them as enemies. Besides, there was a lot of tension today. 

The enemy, who would normally flee under pressure, becomes more energetic due to the large number of people and bravely attacks us head on. 

For those who love to fight, this is the extra time they have been waiting for. 

“Switch to magic attacks! Don’t let them advance any further!” 

A man who appears to be the commander instructs the entire team. 

The magic power is suddenly released, and the attack magic of each attribute is concentrated on us. 

“Prison Shield.” 

The defensive magic cast by Sheep covers us like a dome, making it easy to protect ourselves from attack magic.

The concentrated fire continued for a while before the magic ran out and the spectacular fireworks came to an end. 

“It’s my turn now. I’ll let them enjoy it, I’ll give them a gift (heart)”. 

Bunny picks up a large axe and leaps forward, kicking the ground. In one swift motion, she cuts down over a dozen people with a single stroke, sending torsos and large amounts of blood and organs flying through the air. 

Her astonishing physical prowess leaves no enemy unharmed. Her ultra-fast movement leaves lingering images as she splits into several people. 

“Help, help me! I don’t want to die!”

“You’re so cute. The look of fear on their faces excites me.” 


Most of the enemies lose their spirits and begin to flee. Dragon is confused.

Bunny seemed to have the power to destroy them all by herself. 

“This is not fair! Let me fight too!” 

Dragon unsheathes her sword and pursues the enemies. Meanwhile, Wolf watches the enemy’s defenses collapse. 

“Aren’t you going?”

“Even though I have orders, there’s too much military power. It would be terrible to force my participation and then face what those two will tell me. I can’t become a battle fanatic like them.” 

“Then let’s take care of eliminating the internal enemies together.” 


The enemies’ shouts echo. 

Hmm, it seems that the superiority is too overwhelming. The enemies are starting to look pathetic. 

Perhaps I should have reduced their numbers.

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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