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I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~ [Chapter 12]

How did this happen?!


Upon seeing a man and a woman simultaneously bowing their heads before me, I was left speechless. 

Francine, the maid who opened the door to the left to check on the visitor, also stood frozen witnessing the scene. 

If it weren’t for being impolite, at this moment I might have been tempted to shout, “How did this come to pass?!” However, facing two clearly noble individuals who, upon seeing me with seriousness, quickly bowed their heads, I could not allow myself such frivolous behavior, even in jest.

Overcoming my brief state of stiffness, I hastily addressed them. 

“Oh, please lift your heads…”

It seemed they understood my confusion, and the notably attractive couple obediently raised their heads. 

Yet, the woman’s face strikes me as familiar in some way. Do we know each other? 

No, it’s unlikely I have so many adult acquaintances. If we had met in high society, I should remember her immediately. If not, perhaps I saw her from afar? Though I feel a certain discomfort… I cannot arrive at an answer.

As I scratched my head, the couple took the lead and spoke. 

“We apologize for this sudden visit. It wasn’t our intention to discomfort you, but we truly wanted to express our gratitude.”


The situation was becoming even more confusing. With multiple questions swirling in my mind, I urged them to continue. 

“Yes. We are very thankful to you, the savior of our daughter.” 

“Savior… of your daughter?”

The answer came suddenly, shedding light on everything, including the morning’s incident. 

Oh, I see now. So that’s what it was. Everything falls into place.

She turned out to be Victoria’s mother. Now that I think about it, they do resemble each other a lot. It’s natural, being mother and daughter. 

Ah, now I remember! These two faces were in Hermes’ memory. By mentioning them to me, memories of the past suddenly surfaced in my mind. It’s an ambiguous convenience… I’m not sure if I like it or not. 

However, I never imagined that the duke and duchess would come for a visit without prior notice. Firstly, I would feel uncomfortable even if they expressed excessive gratitude. In fact, the reason I withdrew quickly was that.

Nevertheless, they likely heard about me from Victoria. Recognizing me as the rescuer of their beloved daughter led them to visit me here. I am overwhelmed by such gratitude. 

“It seems you understand our situation. Although we have crossed paths at some parties, allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Gilbert von Lanacuras. I’m a mere investor compared to you, a distinguished individual. I truly envy your talent.”

A mere investor?! Please, the Lanacuras family is the wealthiest among the nobility! 

Gilbert holds impressive power in a different sense from Lunaseria, standing out for his talent and successes in various fields. He is a giant in his own right, not to mention a titan in comparison. 

“I am Ayla von Lanacuras. It’s been a while since I had a conversation like this.”

“Umm… It’s an honor to meet the Duke and Duchess Lanacuras. As you may know already, allow me to introduce myself. I am Hermes von Lunaseria, the legitimate son of Duke Lunaseria.”

“Yes, it seems that Duke Lunaseria continues to nurture exceptional talents as always. Did you feel overwhelmed facing two adults? Hermes, you have the potential to become an excellent knight or sorcerer, right?”

“Hahaha… It’s flattering to hear that. But first and foremost, please come in. It’s just a room in the bedroom, so pardon the cramped space.”

“We don’t mind at all. It was I who barged in unannounced. Rather, I fear I may have caused you inconvenience.”

Inviting the two towards the back of the room, tea was prepared with Fran’s assistance. Fortunately, as it was a room for nobles, it had the appropriate furniture to host visitors. 

The Duke and Duchess Lanacuras sat on a high-end sofa and continued chatting while enjoying the tea Fran had served them. 

For me, it was a conversation that made my stomachache. 

“Well, my daughter constantly speaks of your magnificence. She says you used magic to easily defeat some thugs in an instant. Despite being only fifteen years old, it’s truly impressive. Don’t you feel reassured to have a martial arts expert genius close to you?”


Frankly, I felt uncomfortable with so much praise. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it, but I felt embarrassed. Plus, why were they dramatizing my story so much in just one day? I didn’t kill them! I just knocked them down! But correcting them might offend them, so I simply smiled and listened without objection.

Then, the Duke said something unexpected. 

“I have a proposal for Hermes-dono. It’s one of the reasons I came here. Are you willing to listen?”

“A proposal…? If there’s something I can do, I would be happy to collaborate.”

Perhaps it’s a request for an escort or investigation?

Despite being young, it seemed I had gained their trust, so I would consider accepting depending on the content, as it could contribute to my growth. 

“Thank you. The proposal is… how about marrying my daughter, Victoria?”


Upon hearing the Duke’s words, my body froze. My thoughts came to a halt for a moment. After a few seconds, I tried to think calmly. 

Marry? What does marrying mean? 

Trembling entirely, I managed to articulate words. 

“T-This is… do you mean… betroth myself?”

“Exactly. Only you can take care of my daughter! After all, you are the only one who has protected her. Your lineage and character are a guarantee. What do you think?”

“Despite what you say… I truly feel uncomfortable.”

“Why? Even if I say so myself, my daughter Victoria is beautiful and qualified. She will surely treat you very well.”

“The issue is not that… A betrothal between noble families cannot be agreed upon so easily, right? We should inform His Majesty about this. Besides, for me… I believe it’s too soon for love.”

“Undoubtedly, it’s not a decision as simple for us to make casually… Oh?”

The Duke’s eyes gleamed with a suspicious glint. A sharp gaze like that of a hawk stalking its prey. 

So, I continued speaking with determination. 

“I have yet to reach more than a mediocre level of strength. I cannot stay like this. I want to progress further, become stronger, perfect my magic even more. That’s my goal. That’s why I cannot accept the betrothal.”

I said it. I affirmed it. I exerted myself to the fullest. I can rest now… although it’s impossible with the Duke in front of me.

The Duke listened to my words, closed his eyes and nodded several times. 

Then, he opened his eyes again with a fresh expression and smiled as if convinced. 

“I understand. You have an admirable spirit of improvement. You are worthy of being part of Lunaseria. Perhaps that’s why you are strong-“


“Alright. Somehow, I expected it to end this way from the start. Although I feel disappointed, I will respect your decision.” 

Well! It seems the Duke agrees with my words. The tension in my muscles relaxed as I felt the weight lifted off my shoulders.

“But that does not mean I will give up.”


“If you’re seeking to better yourself, why not wait a bit? You are still young. As a noble, at some point you will have to marry, so when that time comes, I will ask you again. After all, I am sure you will quickly reach strength.”

“I understand…”

N-No, t-this can’t be!

I can’t refuse this, can I?!

Only my father can stop this.

And I am just a son living in the shadow of my parents’ fame! It’s impossible! How did it come to this?!

After bidding farewell to the two Dukes who left satisfied and saying they had work to do, tears welled up as I heard Fran say, “My condolences. You did well!” and I collapsed onto the bed.

In this short period, a flood of thoughts overwhelmed me.

Exhausted, I stopped trying to reason.

I can’t.

I don’t want to…

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
To conquer the heroine in the romantic action RPG 'Lovely Sorcerer,' high stats, accurate choices, and player skills are required. A young man who thoroughly played the game until completion wakes up one day to find himself inside 'Lovely Sorcerer.' He quickly understands that he has been reincarnated into the game world, but the character he embodies – Hermes von Luna Celaria – is nothing more than a nameless mob noble in the main story. Though slightly shocked, he decides to aim for the strongest position as Hermes in a world he longed for, despite being just a mob. Yet, there is still something he does not know. This place is subtly different from the world he knows well...


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