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Chapter 11: The trap of Howlait (1)

The trap of Howlait (1)

The magical streetlights illuminated the evening with a warm orange glow. 

Theodore was walking home with his classmate, Marcus Carman. 

They had become friends three days ago when Marcus suggested that Theodore, who was looking for part-time work, join the Adventurers’ Guild and form a group. 

They quickly bonded and began sharing novels they both enjoyed. 

Their conversations, fueled by their shared interests, seemed endless, and Theodore began to feel a warm connection with Marcus. 

In turn, the easy-going Marcus felt something akin to a friendship with Theodore that transcended their status differences.

Today was their first adventure, and they had killed fifteen goblins. 

Unlike Theodore, who grew up in the mountains and fought monsters on a daily basis, Marcus, a nobleman, had never experienced anything like this. 

Marcus, visibly excited, reflected on the day’s little adventure.

“It was frustrating retreating back there. If I could fight like Theodore, I might have gained some confidence,” Marcus mused.

“Marcus, you fought well enough. Nobody is perfect on their first try,” Theodore reassured.

“Well, let me ask you this: How many goblins did you kill in your first fight?”

“Um, weren’t they bears instead of goblins?”

“That’s so typical of a genius!” 

“No, it’s not like that. I just got lucky that time due to a series of coincidences. I regret how reckless I was back then.”

The two walked through the deserted park, lit by scattered lamps.

They used this path as a shortcut to the Academy. Despite being in the center of the city, the park had become a secluded place from the outside world due to the dense trees surrounding it.

“Draw your sword, Marcus.”

“Theodore? What’s going on?”

Theodore stopped and unsheathed his silver spiritual sword, infusing his entire body with magic. Marcus, alert to his surroundings, hesitantly drew his sacred sword.

The beast’s eyes glowed in the darkness. It was more than a growl or two and the sound of footsteps. 

“We are surrounded. We didn’t know they’d come this close.”

“They’re monsters! What are they doing in the capital?”

A black wolf with two heads emerged from the shadows. With a total length of over three meters, including its tail, it had the appearance of a large carnivorous predator, resembling a tiger despite being a wolf. 

“A black wolf? And an unusual one at that.”

“Theo, behind you. There are also normal black wolves behind us!” 

Normal black wolves appeared one after another. Unlike the two-headed creature that seemed to be the pack leader, the normal ones only had one head the size of a large dog. 

But with twenty of them, even Theodore was challenged by so many opponents.

They also heard human footsteps, and both turned their attention to the path.

“Maybe we didn’t show enough maturity with the children. However, it is difficult to capture a wizard, especially one who wields a sacred sword. With a student who can awaken instantly, it’s appropriate to take this precaution,” someone remarked.

“Who are you?”

“I am Obsidian, a member of the Chaos Wisdom Capita. That’s enough of an introduction. You don’t need to know any more.”

The man in the black round cloak said, holding a finely crafted sword in his right hand. 

With his hood drawn low, his appearance remained obscure, but his deep, raspy voice and the unkempt beard peeking out from under the hood suggested an age older than twenty.

Theodore carefully assessed the available visual clues to determine the type of individual he was dealing with. 

“Are these monster hordes yours?”

“Indeed. And you are my target.”


“I have been sent to capture Theodore Williams. If you cooperate, I will spare your friend’s life. But if you resist, I will kill him.”

Theodore began to break into a cold sweat.

Had he been alone, Theodore probably would have rejected the man’s words and shown his willingness to resist. But with Marcus by his side, who had just put up a good fight, Theodore felt anxious for the first time, carrying the uncertainty of whether he could win despite the odds.

Seeing Theodore’s discouraged expression, Marcus punched him in the stomach. 

“Ouch! Why?”

“You don’t have to listen to the words of a suspicious man. I, too, am a wizard with a sacred sword. Although I have no combat experience, I have enough strength to not be a burden. Don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you. But why did you hit me?”

“I have long been frustrated by your popularity, Theo. I’m punishing you on behalf of all the boys.” 

Marcus said with a smile, although his kind face with slightly droopy eyes didn’t quite match the smile.

Theodore inwardly cried absurdity as he rubbed his stomach.

“I have no intention of obeying or getting caught. In addition, let me inform you that I also possess the secret sword technique called the Art of Breaking. If you don’t want to die, I suggest you retreat quietly.”

“I understand. I won’t underestimate the students of Winstan Academy. Although it would be better for them to submit to me obediently… I want you to incapacitate the commoner, the other one, kill him.”

The wolves followed the man’s command and moved immediately. 

The two leading wolves watched the situation without moving, while the ordinary ones rushed at them. Theodore and Marcus easily dispatched the first three wolves.

“Marcus, this is an area attack. With your wind magic, you can reduce the number of enemies in one go.”

“Got it! My wishes turn into green wind that turns into a hammer that blows at the enemies, windstorm!”

A strong wind rose around them, lifting the wolves into the air. Almost all of them disappeared from sight, and those that remained took damage as they fell from a great height. 

Marcus, exhausted from the sudden expenditure of magical energy, gasped for breath.

“Are you all right? I’m sorry for pushing you like that.”

“It’s no problem. I can make one or two more significant attacks. But even if I use all my magic, it seems to be a challenge to get this guy off the battlefield.”


The pack leader moved slowly, and the vigilance of the two increased as they watched the individual who had impassively withstood Marcus’ area attack approach.

At the same time, Theodore remained wary of Obsidian. He didn’t seem like a simple man who could simply stir up the beasts. There was something unsettling about him, something unpredictable.

“Marcus, could you protect yourself with defensive magic or a simple barrier? I don’t want you caught in the shock waves.”

“Are you thinking of using the secret sword technique, Break Arts?”

“Yes. I will defeat him in one blow and then we will leave.”


A blue effect enveloped Theodore while Marcus, behind him, activated a simple attributeless barrier to withstand the impact.

The beast jumped from a low position, targeting Theodore instead of Marcus. It seemed to have decided to neutralize him as quickly as possible, perhaps sensing the magical energy waves emanating from him.

Theodore’s spiritual sword charged with fire magic. “Flame sword!” As he swung, a red flash was unleashed simultaneously.

The heat and impact not only scattered the beast, but also tore through the ground, destroying part of the park. The shockwaves were so intense that Marcus, standing behind him, could barely keep up as he held the barrier.

After a brief storm of force, Theodore quietly lowered his sword. 

“I didn’t expect this much. That’s what Howlait praises.”

“Marcus? A moment of inattention after the attack. Marcus realized the approach of Obsidian too late.”

Theodore found himself immobilized by a knife at his throat. “You planned to take Marcus hostage from the beginning.”

“I knew from prior information that you were quite capable. The directive was to capture you unharmed. I decided on a certain method. However, your power is tremendous. I was truly surprised. To have reached the level of the Twelve Divine Swordsmen at your age is truly extraordinary.”

“I’m sorry, Theo. I couldn’t escape.” 

Marcus expressed deep remorse. Theodore, however, shook his head and smiled reassuringly.

“It’s okay. I won’t let them kill you. I’ll make sure you get back safe and sound, I promise.”

“Drop your sword. If you obediently obey, I will let him go unharmed.”

“I will obey. Then do not dare to harm him.” 

Theodore threw his spiritual sword and raised both hands. After confirming that Obsidian had no intention of resisting, he activated a sleep spell. Unable to resist the intense sleep, Theodore collapsed to the ground.

“Did you think an inexperienced child could defeat a real adult?”

“Theo, Theo!” 

Obsidian raised the Spirit Sword and gave a cold look to Marcus, who was clinging to Theodore.

“Well, then it seems you will die for being useless.”

“You promised to set me free if he obeyed!”

“The order was only to capture Theodore. It’s his fault for believing a lie. It would be inconvenient for you to report this fact. The dead do not speak, so I will end your chatter here. Lucky you, you will die by your friend’s sword.”


Marcus looked up with fearful eyes as he raised the sacred sword. His legs trembled and he could not escape. 

Just when it seemed all was lost, Obsidian quickly moved aside and narrowly dodged an incoming sword attack.

“You dodged it. You have surprisingly good instincts.”

The person there was a woman in a cat mask. 

She wore a long cloak with a high collar and held a sword in her right hand.

“Who are you?”

“We are the strongest resistance organization out to destroy you, the ‘Animal Knights Corps’.”

“You what?”

“Order of Animal Knights.”

“Are you… Kidding?”


She was excited about the name of the organization Will had given her, so his reaction infuriated her. Immediately after that, a storm of intense magical power hit him.

At the same time, a terrifying, murderous presence emanated from her, freezing his body.

“I can’t believe it, it’s an unimaginable and dense amount of magical power and murderous presence. If we face her, we will surely be killed. It’s a huge difference! Howlait didn’t warn me about such an enemy!”

Obsidian immediately realized that this was not an enemy he could defeat. 

Despite her outward appearance, she was a monster in human form. This was neither the time nor the place to be taken by surprise by someone like her. His limbs trembled with fear. 

The only option was to flee. He picked up Theodore and used water magic while hugging him under his arm.

“I don’t believe in fighting when the chances of winning are slim. Keep this useless brat.”

Following this statement, a mist enveloped the area. The man who should have disappeared with a single sword stroke to dispel the mist was no longer there.

“It’s useless to run. I know where you are going.”

Cat watched Marcus as he sat. 

“I’ll take care of rescuing your friend, now go.”

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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