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I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~ [Chapter 10]

Victoria von Lanacuras

Victoria Von Lanacuras’ life was extremely dull.

A monotonous existence. Young nobles of lower rank who contributed nothing.

Opportunists seeking power and benefits. Despite being born into a privileged environment like the Duke’s family, she was deeply weary of her own life.

Her parents loved her. They expressed their feelings fully. But, apart from that, everything else looked ugly in her eyes. No one seemed trustworthy.

Even though she had been told through her parents that high society was a breeding ground for corruption, aristocratic society itself was a nightmare land. 

One day, feeling bored on her day off, she left home without her parents knowing, accompanied only by her maid. 

The aristocratic society held little interest for her, but the lives of commoners piqued her curiosity. She thought nobody enjoyed life like they did. 

Therefore, occasionally, she mingled with the common folk and walked the streets.

Although the capital was relatively safe, in large cities there was always a dark shadow. The maid had vanished without a trace. 

When she realized she was lost, it was already too late. 

Two men with sneering smiles were behind Victoria. 

She felt the gazes running over her and realized she was being watched. 

Quickly sensing this, she hurriedly distanced herself from them and fled.

Since she normally traveled by carriage, Victoria was not familiar with the streets of the capital. This proved to be a disadvantage, and she found herself lost, cornered in a dead-end alley, pursued as if pushed.

Damn it! This is bad! I must return quickly!

When she thought that, the men were already behind her. 

Although she tried to resist as she could use magic in a certain way, a girl raised in a gilded cage could not win, and they easily grabbed her. 

The men took Victoria’s arm and lightly caressed her fragile body. 

In front of their desire-filled eyes, she felt strong fear and revulsion.

(No. No. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be violated by these men in this place.)

She resisted and screamed until her throat hurt, but no one responded to her voice.

Finally, when the men said, “Let’s quickly go to the hideout,” Victoria’s heart filled with despair.

It was at that moment when he appeared.

A young boy with his entire body covered in steel armor. In the dim light, the young boy’s black hair moved mysteriously. His golden eyes, like those of a hungry beast, looked at the men with a cold, strong intent.

Faced with the sudden intrusion, there was no time to think if he was an enemy or an ally. Victoria, with her last strength, trembled her sore throat and said, “Help me…!” and the boy immediately responded, “Trust me.”

From that moment, everything happened in an instant.

The boy leaped on the ground, and before she thought he was going to confront the men with swords, they fell to the ground. Then, with the power of magic, he knocked down the man holding Victoria and easily freed her.

The fear she had felt suddenly disappeared. Although her body still remembered it, Victoria’s consciousness focused solely on the boy in front of her. With ruby-colored eyes, she stared at the boy’s impeccable face.

At first, she didn’t realize it, but as the fear faded, she clearly remembered the boy who had helped her.

It was Hermes Von Lunacuras, from the prominent noble family Lanacuras, whom she had seen at parties and in the Royal Palace. Once she recognized him, Victoria’s world suddenly brightened.

After that, Hermes tied up the men, ensuring the maid’s safety.

Although the men Hermes defeated disappeared somewhere, thanks to him, Victoria was able to return home safely.

She got into the carriage that had come for her, finally feeling relief in her chest.


The whispered words were so faint that not even the maid sitting on the sofa in front of her could hear them, but they filled Victoria with the greatest emotion she had ever experienced in her life.

She wished this encounter would not end. Somehow, she was glad to be able to see him again, also being her classmate.

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
To conquer the heroine in the romantic action RPG 'Lovely Sorcerer,' high stats, accurate choices, and player skills are required. A young man who thoroughly played the game until completion wakes up one day to find himself inside 'Lovely Sorcerer.' He quickly understands that he has been reincarnated into the game world, but the character he embodies – Hermes von Luna Celaria – is nothing more than a nameless mob noble in the main story. Though slightly shocked, he decides to aim for the strongest position as Hermes in a world he longed for, despite being just a mob. Yet, there is still something he does not know. This place is subtly different from the world he knows well...


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