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The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife [Ch 28]

At that time, the hero party was 5

“Sealed completed—,” Katrea said, exhaling deeply.

The lifeless body of Princess Merian was wrapped inside a dome of dim light.

It was a kind of barrier magic.

Anything within the dome could not be detected from the outside.

It was completely sealed.

The royal body was protected by multiple layers of special magical barriers; any alteration would be quickly discovered with a magical detection spell.

To prevent that, Merian’s body was sealed in this way.

“For now, with this situation, there will be no way to find the body,” Tiana also commented, relieved.

“But isn’t this just a temporary solution?” Ingrid pointed out.

“Of course, if someone directly comes here, they will be discovered, right?”

“Indeed, more manipulations will be necessary to cover up the evidence…”

said Efemia.

“Is there a plan?”

“The quickest option is to divert attention elsewhere…”

Efemia responded to Tiana’s question.

“Divert attention…?”

“For example, a new threat to the world.”

“A threat to the world?”

“Demon King Vilarzord is still alive. It is likely that a new invasion will soon begin…”

“A new invasion, huh? But the Demon King himself must have suffered significant damage. I doubt those wounds would heal easily,” commented Tiana.

“If it’s not the Demon King himself, even without Sion, we can handle it on our own, I’m sure.”

“Well, we have already defeated the four most powerful lieutenants of the Demon King, the Four Heavenly Kings.”

The Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King – the most powerful lieutenants of Vilarzord – had already been defeated by the group of heroes.

Even if the Demon King were still alive, it would be difficult for him to return to combat immediately.

The attackers would be lesser demons compared to the Four Heavenly Kings. Therefore, even without a hero by their side, Tiana and the others believed they could handle the situation as a group of four.

“It’s not that simple…”

Efemia shook her head.

“The Demon King… is not unique.”


“I have researched ancient legends from the Mage Guild – from forbidden books. Demons are not actually a subrace like the half-humans, but rather ‘beings from another world’…”

Efemia’s words left Tiana and the others in silence.

It was a story they had never heard before.

They had believed that demons were simply another subrace like elves and dwarves.

That was the common belief in the world.

But… was it different?

“They come from a world other than this – the ‘Demon World’,” Efemia said.

“There should be several demons in the Demon World who are comparable to the level of Demon King Vilarzord.”

“Several demons of Demon King level…?!”

“If all of them were to invade the human world at the same time…”

Efemia sighed.

“Undoubtedly, the world would be destroyed.”

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

魔王は勇者の可愛い嫁 ~パーティの美少女4人から裏切られた勇者、魔王と幸せに暮らします。4人が勇者殺しの大罪人として世界中から非難されてる?まあ因果応報かなぁ~
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Japanese
The final battle with the Demon King. Hero Sion had the Demon King cornered, but was betrayed by the four beautiful girls who were his companions, and they were all blown up with the Demon King. However, saved by the Demon King, Sion miraculously survives and starts living in the Demon King’s country under the condition that his injuries heal! The Demon King’s name is Vila. Despite her lovely appearance, she struggles to lead the radical faction of demons who are eager to start a war with humans due to their strong power. Sion, who sympathizes with Vila, his lifesaver, and her efforts to protect the demon tribe’s way of life and peace, cooperates in suppressing the radicals while concealing his hero identity. The two gradually become attracted to each other and end up in a political marriage for certain reasons! Sometimes sweet, sometimes with a tense distance, their happy newlywed life begins… On the other hand, the four who betrayed Sion, initially praised as heroes who saved the world, gradually begin to reveal the crime of killing the hero…?!


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