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The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife [Ch 22]

Princess Merian 2

“Tiana and her three companions caused the hero Sion to self-destruct, also killing the Demon King.”

“From an ethical standpoint, it is a condemnable action, but nonetheless, they saved the world. Defeating the Demon King justified the hero’s sacrifice, and there might be those who agree with that argument.”

“There might even be many who support them.”

After all, they are beautiful.

The heroines who saved the world are extremely popular.

Perhaps they themselves present as “the tragic heroines who, with hearts of steel, killed the hero and saved the world.”

In that case, even if their guilt is questioned, public opinion could back them.

I wanted to avoid it at all costs.

Their crimes must be judged.

They must be judged for killing the hero Sion and the beloved of Merian.

Murder of the hero and attempted murder of the princess.

If these two crimes are combined, they are likely to be condemned.

“That is why, despite the danger, she stood in front of Tiana and her companions, alone.”

As expected, or even faster than expected, Merian was “murdered” by Tiana.

However, three days later, she would awaken thanks to a special protective item.

An ancestral treasure of royalty: the “Amulet of False Death.”

Using this amulet, Merian would enter a state of false death and an invisible barrier upon receiving a fatal blow, thus preventing further harm.

After spending three days in that state, she would awaken.

The people would believe that Merian had been resurrected.

Facing everyone, she would reveal the actions of Tiana and her companions.

With heartbreaking resolve and determination, Merian summoned Tiana’s four to the castle.

“If you reveal the truth, we will be condemned as criminals. We regret having to silence you.”

Tiana approaches with a sword in hand.

It seems like she intends to kill the princess.

She was more impulsive than thought.

The other three looked surprised or confused.

“No, please, stop…”

Merian acted out of fear.

If she continued to keep her composure at this moment, she might reveal that she had some means of revival prepared.

“No, I don’t think you’re actually planning to kill a princess like me, right? Please, there’s no way…”

“Did you think we wouldn’t kill you because you’re a princess? How naive of you.”

Tiana smiled maliciously.

I felt repulsed.

Although her appearance was beautiful, Tiana’s true nature was unpleasant.

This is how they corner Merian, relishing the thought of being able to kill her.

“Please, stop…”

“If we don’t kill you, we are done for! Diee!”

Tiana raised her sword and brought it down forcefully.

Merian, inexperienced in combat, had no way to dodge it.

Intense pain shot through her shoulder to her chest, and then towards her waist.


She realized she was going to die.

She could only hope that the “Amulet of False Death” would work.

She could only pray for her plan to succeed, to expose their misdeeds.

And thus, Merian’s consciousness faded.

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

The Demon King Is the Hero’s Wife

魔王は勇者の可愛い嫁 ~パーティの美少女4人から裏切られた勇者、魔王と幸せに暮らします。4人が勇者殺しの大罪人として世界中から非難されてる?まあ因果応報かなぁ~
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Japanese
The final battle with the Demon King. Hero Sion had the Demon King cornered, but was betrayed by the four beautiful girls who were his companions, and they were all blown up with the Demon King. However, saved by the Demon King, Sion miraculously survives and starts living in the Demon King’s country under the condition that his injuries heal! The Demon King’s name is Vila. Despite her lovely appearance, she struggles to lead the radical faction of demons who are eager to start a war with humans due to their strong power. Sion, who sympathizes with Vila, his lifesaver, and her efforts to protect the demon tribe’s way of life and peace, cooperates in suppressing the radicals while concealing his hero identity. The two gradually become attracted to each other and end up in a political marriage for certain reasons! Sometimes sweet, sometimes with a tense distance, their happy newlywed life begins… On the other hand, the four who betrayed Sion, initially praised as heroes who saved the world, gradually begin to reveal the crime of killing the hero…?!


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