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Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon [Ch 18]

Why did this happen?

“Chun, chun chun.”

From outside the house, the sound of birds chirping could be heard.


Wrapped in a blanket on the floor, I shivered slightly.

Even though it was getting warmer in early summer, there were still cold days, and sleeping on the floor with just a blanket was a bit harsh on such days.


My groggy head started to clear.

Why was I sleeping on the floor with just a blanket in the first place?


At that moment, a troubled female voice came from my bed.

I jerked in surprise.

Tentatively, I looked towards the bed.

There, wrapped in the futon I usually slept in, was a young woman peacefully sleeping, making soft breathing sounds.

I couldn’t stop sweating.

Why was Kazane-san sleeping in my bed in my house?

“Munya munya… Come on, Rokuyari-san… this goes here, right…”

Kazane-san’s sleeptalk assault.

My confusion only grew.

What kind of dream was I having?

…No, calm down.

Kazane-san was fully clothed while sleeping, and I was lying on the floor.

There should be no mistake.


What happened last night?

The after party, the family restaurant, the line of beer mugs, Kazane-san passing out drunk… yes, I remembered!

Lost on what to do, I had taken Kazane-san in a taxi to my house and put her to bed.

I faintly recalled the suspicious look from the taxi driver.

Well, the issue was not about our bikes left at the family restaurant or anything.

Why did I bring her home?

Wouldn’t it have been better to spend the night at the restaurant…?

“Hmm… Fwaaaah… Wait, where am I…?”

Kazane-san woke up.

She sat up, looking around with sleepy eyes.

From the neckline of her clothes that could be seen as they slipped off, her shoulders had a strangely alluring look.

Our eyes met.

Kazane-san tilted her head cutely.

“Huh…? Good morning, Rokuyari-san…?”

“G-Good morning, Kazane-san.”

Kazane-san still seemed half-asleep as she looked around the room.

Eventually, her eyes widened and she blinked several times.

Her expression gradually paled.

“Um… Rokuyari-san…? W-Where is this…?”

“Calm down and listen, Kazane-san. First of all, this is my home.”

“Eh…?! W-Whaaat!?”

“I said, calm down and listen!”

It took a few minutes for the screaming, blushing Kazane-san to regain her composure.


“I’m terribly sorry about this.”

“No, I should be the one apologizing. I should have handled it more thoughtfully…”

I expressed words of reflection as Kazane-san uncomfortably apologized.

At breakfast.

Seated across a small table in the one-room apartment, Kazane-san and I were having a meal together.

Well, breakfast consisted of toast, ham and eggs, tomatoes, and some canned corn soup.

Kazane-san seemed to have understood the situation for now.

Once convinced that I had done nothing wrong, she now seemed to be consumed with self-loathing.

“Rokuyari-san is too kind, I’m so useless, it’s making me depressed… I’m sorry for being a human waste…”

“No, I’m okay with it. It’s just carelessness. There are bad men out there in the world, you know.”

“But but, that’s because of Rokuyari-san’s character, right? You don’t just let anyone in. It’s fine on that front.”

“…So basically, no reflection.”

“Sob! I am reflecting! I’m really sorry!”

Kazane-san almost prostrated herself, bowing deeply.

Well, it’s fine and all… but if I think I’m okay, then my judgment of people really can’t be trusted, right?

“Well, regarding this incident, we’ll have a proper reflection later. Can we head to the dungeon together after this? I’ll retrieve our bikes left at the family restaurant.”

“Ah, um… I’m sorry, but may I have some time to go home first? I need to freshen up… I want to take a bath.

“Understood. So shall we disperse for now and meet back around eleven? We’ll gather in front of the dungeon.”

“Got it!”

Kazane-san saluted sharply.

She started out as the beautiful older sister character, but she’s really gotten the hang of playing the comical third-wheel character…

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Japanese

In the modern world, dungeons suddenly appeared, and about thirty years ago, individuals known as 'Seekers,' who are dungeon adaptors, began to emerge among people.

Taichi Rokuyari, a high school graduate and single freeter, one morning realizes he has become a 'Seeker.' Seekers are individuals with unique abilities such as levels, stats, and skills.

Taichi Rokuyari, on his bicycle, heads to a nearby dungeon and begins to explore it, facing trial and error. This is the story of a young man who gradually gains strength by increasing his level, acquiring skills, defeating monsters, and converting magic stones obtained from them into cash.


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