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Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon [Chapter 13]

First party action (6)

The shape of the chest that appeared was akin to a coffin, thin but long instead of flat.

It appeared to be made of metal, with a lid on the top.

As heard during training, it was said that “Treasure Boxes” were rarely obtained by defeating monsters.

Apparently, these chests contained dungeon items such as weapons, armor, and consumable items.

However, it was mentioned that some “Treasure Boxes” could be trapped.

It could be very problematic if one lacked the skill to detect and deactivate these challenges.

Upon mentioning this, Kazane seemed proud.

“Hehehe Actually, I have that skill,”

Saying this, Kazane reached out towards the chest and recited:

“Trap Detection!”

Then, the chest emitted a red gleam.

Observing it, Kazane murmured, “Hmm, it seems there is a trap. It’s a ‘Crossbow Bolt’ type. If you try to open it, an arrow will shoot out and harm you.”

“Can you identify the type of trap? To me, it just looked like a red gleam.”

“Yes. Only skill users can distinguish it. Anyway, it doesn’t matter much, does it?… Trap Disarm!”

This time, the chest shone with a green light, followed by a click, and then the light disappeared.

And the next thing she did was carelessly open the lid of the chest.

Upon pulling something out of the chest, Kazane exclaimed “Oh,” revealing a medium-sized sword stored in a sheath.

Once the sword is drawn, the chest itself turns into a black mist and disappears.

Kazane pulled out the sword from the sheath and showed it to me.

“This is a Broad Sword. I remember it cost around 30,000 yen at the weapon shop, so it’s quite a valuable treasure. I’m used to twin daggers, so if you want to try it, I don’t mind.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, I didn’t say I would give it to you, Rokuyari. Let’s consider the reward distribution once we leave the dungeon. But if it can temporarily enhance your combat skills, then maybe it’s a good idea for now.”

“I understand. However, hmm…”

I, too, was accustomed to the spear.

I planned to continue honing my skills with the spear in the future, so it made sense to stay proficient in its handling.


“Using a weapon, I am not familiar with right before heading to the third level concerns me a bit.”

“Going to the third level now…? Oh, Rokuyari, have you leveled up?”

“Yes. The Hobgoblin experience was quite good. It was 14 points.”

While operating my status board, I checked my gains.

Defeating the Hobgoblin led me to level up from 3 to 4.

I proceeded to the skill acquisition screen and chose “MP Increase (x4 Magic)” without hesitation.

Although it wasn’t among my previous four choices when I was indecisive, after battling on the second level, I realized that what I needed most at that moment was a reserve of MP for “Earth Heal.”

In any case, that is crucial.

As my HP gradually decreases, so does my MP, so the slack in my MP is equivalent to the slack in my exploration capacity and peace of mind.

Having a surplus of MP also opens the possibility of learning and using “Lock Bullet” in the future.


Name: Rokuyari Daichi
Level: 4 (+1)
Experience: 72/130
HP: 40/40 (+13)
MP: 28/36 (+12)
Strength: 9
Endurance: 10 (+1)
Agility: 8 (+1)
Magic: 9 (+1)



[Earth Heal]
[HP Increase (Endurance x4)]
[MP Increase (Magic x4)]
Remaining skill points: 0

It seems like I have improved significantly since level 1, but have I truly made progress?

“How is your status, Kazane?”

“Huh? Rokuyari, are you interested in seeing a lady’s statistics?”

Kazane stepped back with a surprised expression, hugging herself.

What? Aren’t stats normal?

Nervous about my mistake, she raised her guard, but then smiled and relaxed, saying “Haha!”

“—It was a joke…”

“…It was just a joke? I got scared, I thought I had said something terrible, and my heart was pounding…”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry. But after always being teased, it feels good to make one joke for a change.”

Kazane stuck out her tongue as she said that.

“I feel like I’m the one being manipulated here.

I hope she doesn’t go too far. My mental state can’t handle it.

But apparently, that was part of the truth…”

“But in reality, statistics are somewhat sensitive, and asking about them too casually is not well-received, almost like asking someone how much they earn. It’s a delicate subject.”

“Ah, I understand… I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Don’t worry, Rokuyari. I’ll show you my statistics, after all, keeping secrets among team members isn’t positive either. ‘Open Status.'”

Kazane opened her status and showed it to me.

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Japanese

In the modern world, dungeons suddenly appeared, and about thirty years ago, individuals known as 'Seekers,' who are dungeon adaptors, began to emerge among people.

Taichi Rokuyari, a high school graduate and single freeter, one morning realizes he has become a 'Seeker.' Seekers are individuals with unique abilities such as levels, stats, and skills.

Taichi Rokuyari, on his bicycle, heads to a nearby dungeon and begins to explore it, facing trial and error. This is the story of a young man who gradually gains strength by increasing his level, acquiring skills, defeating monsters, and converting magic stones obtained from them into cash.


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