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Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon [Chapter 5]

First dungeon exploration (3)

After exploring the vast dungeon for about an hour.

During this time, I encountered kobolds twice and managed to repel them unscathed on both occasions.

Perhaps because my agility had increased, I felt that my movements were lighter and actions became slightly easier.

The old man at the weapon shop had warned me to be careful when facing two or more, but even without that warning, I knew it would be problematic.

Facing a kobold twice and facing two kobolds at the same time marked a significant difference in difficulty.

It would be better if there was a narrow corridor where two couldn’t attack at the same time, but there was nothing like that nearby.

The cave corridors are quite spacious.

On average, they are about twice my height both in width and in height.

As I quickly scanned around, the two kobolds were running towards me.

“Well, there’s no other choice.”

Although it was a problem, I didn’t feel defeated.

I took my spear and decided to confront the two kobolds head-on.

After a brief but intense battle, the two kobolds turned into two fragments of magic.

However, I didn’t emerge unscathed either.

I couldn’t completely dodge the enemy’s attack and received a dagger strike from one of the kobolds on my left shoulder, causing me sharp pain.

It wasn’t a wound that immediately endangered my life, but it hurt, and red blood stained my clothes from the wound.

Seekers were usually much more resilient than common folk, and their natural healing ability was surprisingly high.

Even with deep cuts or stabs, within a minute the bleeding would stop, and unless they died, even damaged organs could repair themselves with a night’s rest.

I was no longer entirely human.

Therefore, a dagger wound on the shoulder was far from fatal for me.

I remained calm enough to check my health points before healing myself.

After checking, my health points were “20/24,” indicating a loss of 4 health points.

Having overcome the initial shock of the injury, I was able to continue, but I decided to use magic to heal, as it seemed the most prudent.

“[Earth Heal]”

By using healing magic and placing my hand over the wound, the pain vanished, and my body instantly eased.

Lifting my clothes and looking, the wound had closed so cleanly that you couldn’t even see where I had been stabbed.

After checking my status, my health points were “24/24,” and my magic points were “17/21.”

The [Earth Heal] spell consumed 4 magic points.

Although I wasn’t sure of the exact amount of healing, it was at least enough to restore up to 4 points of damage.

“Alright, it’s time to head back.”

After collecting the magic stones from the two kobolds and storing them in my bag, I set off on the return journey.

While there was no issue continuing from my condition’s standpoint, I hadn’t brought any food for lunch.

One can’t fight on an empty stomach. That’s why I decided to go back once more.

By the way, on the return trip, I encountered another kobold and repelled it.

At that moment, I leveled up.

Taichi Rokuyari

Level: 3 (+1)
Experience: 32/70
HP: 27/27 (+3)
MP: 20/24 (+3)
Strength: 9 (+1)
Endurance: 9 (+1)
Agility: 7
Magic Power: 8 (+1)

[Earth Heal]

Remaining skill points: 1 (+1)

Upon leveling up from 2 to 3, my strength, endurance, and magic power each increased by 1 point.

I also gained an additional skill point.

It is said that HP and MP points increase by 3 points each if you do not possess a specialized ability for them, according to “Endurance x 3” and “Magic Power x 3.”

I decided to hold off on acquiring new skills until after exiting the dungeon.

I walked back to the magic circle at the dungeon’s entrance and teleported to the cave by the river on the embankment.

I finished my first dungeon exploration and returned to the surface after several hours.


Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Waking Up to Discover I’m an Adventurer, I Descend into the Dungeon

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Japanese

In the modern world, dungeons suddenly appeared, and about thirty years ago, individuals known as 'Seekers,' who are dungeon adaptors, began to emerge among people.

Taichi Rokuyari, a high school graduate and single freeter, one morning realizes he has become a 'Seeker.' Seekers are individuals with unique abilities such as levels, stats, and skills.

Taichi Rokuyari, on his bicycle, heads to a nearby dungeon and begins to explore it, facing trial and error. This is the story of a young man who gradually gains strength by increasing his level, acquiring skills, defeating monsters, and converting magic stones obtained from them into cash.


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