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Chapter 19: The mission of the student council president (2)

The mission of the student council president (2)

Upon entering the commercial area of the capital and advancing from the main avenue into a narrow alley, one encounters a small shop of magical artifacts named “Lily’s Implements Store.”

According to nearby residents, it seems that this shop is run by an elf and is known both for being a skilled magical artisan and for selling extravagant and peculiar artifacts.

“Is this it?”

“Yes, the sign indicates so.”


Theo, Celsia, and I arrived together at the small wooden shop. The hanging sign clearly displayed “Lily’s Implements Store.” However, the atmosphere did not convey the feeling of being managed by a master artisan. Moreover, it had a very discreet appearance, almost as if it were operating in secrecy.

The bell rang as Theo opened the door.

“Apologies for the intrusion!”

“The interior is surprisingly bright.”

“There are so many magical artifacts!”

The store was so fantastical inside that one could not have imagined it from the outside. On the shelves were objects that seemed like magical artifacts, on the walls hung swords and skulls that appeared to be from magical creatures, and countless lamps hung from the ceiling, casting an amber hue overall.

The owner was not at the counter, so it was unclear if they were in the back or had stepped out. By chance, there were no customers, and silence reigned.

Excited to be in a magical artifact shop for the first time, we began to inspect the products.

“Could these truly be used? ‘Ring of Fatigue,’ ‘Ring of Sharp Pain,’ ‘Ring of Pollen Allergy’ – they are all so strange! Or am I just an inexperienced child?”

“Here’s a hat that relieves cold.”

“There’s a damage reduction amulet. It only reduces by a tenth, but having it or not, probably makes a subtle difference. And besides, it’s quite cheap.”

“I want one!”

Both showed interest with hungry looks. Damage reduction equipment is quite expensive and rare. Although in the capital, where there are many artifact shops, one might find something similar if they search enough, it probably won’t be available at this price. The owner of this shop seems to not be profit-oriented or perhaps is unaware of market prices. Undoubtedly, it’s a place with good deals.

“Oh, wow.”

Emerging from the back of the store was a seductive and familiar woman. With her long wavy blonde hair and the distinctive long ears of an elf, she possessed a beautifully proportioned face that exuded a soft and steady smile. But the most striking feature was her pronounced cleavage, revealing a deep valley of pale skin. Every step she took made her generous attributes sway, capturing the attention of both Theo and Celsia.

“What a coincidence to meet here. Where is everyone heading together?”


Appearing was the magic and technology teacher from the Magic Academy, Chiffon Alby. She came out from behind the counter and approached us.

“We came here on the student council president’s assignment. Is Chiffon-sensei here to evaluate us?”

“I just came for fun! I am a friend of the owner of this shop.”


Theo swallowed nervously at Chiffon’s lively conversation. Whenever she moved, her chest swayed, catching the attention of both Theo and Celsia. Chiffon was a living goddess, very popular. She was the object of desire for all the men at the academy.

Her overwhelming sensuality and love-filled smile not only enchanted the male students, but rumors even said that the girls also fell for her. By the way, there are no magical technology classes in the first year. Enrollment starts in the second year. However, due to her incredible popularity, first-year students often barge into the special classes just to see her, and it is said that no one in the academy is unaware of who she is. Theo also seemed to know her, probably having barged in with Dente and Marcus.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen that lady and him. Nice to meet you, I’m Chiffon.”

“I’m Celsia Rains. You’re the magical technology teacher, right, Chiffon-sensei? Although I only saw you from afar once.”

“Pleasure to meet you both. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask me.”

Chiffon took Celsia’s hand and moved closer, pressing her chest against her. Celsia, feeling pressured, exclaimed with cold sweat, “It’s huge!” surprised. In fact, her breasts were surprisingly large.

“Chiffon-sensei, who are you talking to? Oh, they’re customers, right?”

Coming out from the back later, another elf woman appeared. With her dull blonde bangs covering one eye, she seemed to be almost the same age as us. She was probably the owner of the store. Realizing this, I gestured to Theo.

“Are you the master artisan, Lin Haria-san?”

“Y-Yes. Are you the experimental animals provided by Adelina?”

“Experimental animals?!”

“Sorry! It slipped out! Let’s say, convenient living beings for my experiments!”

“What the hell is going on here?!”

We all coincided in making a sarcastic remark. At least try to be subtle. That was too direct!

“Ufufu, it looks fun. Well, I’ll take my leave now.”

“Yes. See you later.”

Chiffon left, ringing the bell. Lin bid her farewell with reverence, almost like a servant. After that, the three of us were led to a room that appeared to be a workshop, with screwdrivers and hammers neatly arranged.

“Let me introduce myself again. I’m Lin Haria, an artisan. As you can see, I am a talented and beautiful elf. Please don’t fall in love with me just because I am cute. And, please, don’t scream so loudly. And then… Uh…”

Although she seemed as shy as a small animal, she was surprisingly assertive. Certainly, she had the elegant appearance of an elf and was beautiful, but… What is the relationship between her and Adelina?

Feeling that the conversation was not progressing, Celsia took control of the situation.

“They mentioned wanting us to join an experiment, but could you tell us exactly what it entails before? Not that we think it’s dangerous, but there’s always the possibility.”

“Yes, that’s it. Although we are also interested in the reward, we would like to know first about Haria-san’s experiments. By the way, we heard that each of us had a different experiment.”

“It’s amazing how demanding an experimental animal can be…!”

Lin seemed trembling and frightened, with tears in her eyes. What was happening to her?

“Well, I’ll explain. Each of you will use a developing magical artifact. After using it, you must point out the positives and negatives, and we’ll be done. Safety is guaranteed, so there is no life-threatening danger, I believe…”

Although she seemed completely confused and scared.

This is too much. I want to go home.

“Theodore, this one is for you. Celsia, this one is for you. And you, this one is for you.”

Why are you giving mine so abruptly?!

Each of us received a magical artifact.

The one I was given was a wooden doll almost my same height.

“This is a ‘Remote Control Automaton.’ By placing the control stone on the forehead, you can control the doll from any distance; it’s an incredible prototype! I’ll have you explore the capital with this, and if possible, you’ll also engage in combat.”

“Place it on the forehead…? Oh, the arm moves?!”

As I attached the small stone to my forehead and focused on the doll, my movements were replicated in the doll. Additionally, visual information was sent directly to my brain, making it seem like it was standing in front of me. It’s an amazing invention! I’m excited. It’s so much fun.

“Incredible! It looks so real!”

“This is the ‘AI Mount: Horse Type.'”

Theo was enjoying riding a metal horse.

“Is this levitating?”

“Yes, it’s called ‘Levitation Boots.'”

Celsia, who wore heavy shoe-like slippers, was floating towards the ceiling. However, she seemed to have trouble maintaining balance, as she suddenly screamed and, spinning downward, exposed her underwear.

“No, this is so embarrassing…! Eh?! Will Is watching me?! Noooo!”

Celsia’s scream echoed throughout the store.

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Using video game expertise to live a joyful life after sacrificing myself for the protagonist

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese
In the world of the popular RPG game called Star Brave Fantasy, I was reincarnated as a character who is a close friend and sacrifices himself to save the protagonist. Ten years later, the event of death awaits - in preparation for the day of destiny, I begin to strive to obtain power and pawns that will become my strength and limbs. And so my school life begins. I try to build extremely tenuous human relationships, keeping a certain distance from the protagonist so as never to become his close friend. All this in order to escape the death event and find a way to survive, using all my knowledge of the game to reach a happy ending.


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