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Chapter 3: Love Action RPG

Love Action RPG

“Romance Action RPG <Lovely Sorcerer>. Abbreviated as ‘LoveSo.’

Despite its extravagant title, it prides itself on having an incredibly high difficulty, becoming a masterpiece that immersed lovers of action, RPGs, visual novels, and erotic novels into an abyss.

Unfortunately, this work released in its R-18 version could not be played by children, but it was a resounding success among adults over 18. It was such a magnificent work that I even planned to buy it once the console version was released.

And it seems that I exist in that world.

The resurrected memories of Hermes clearly confirm this.

Although it may seem like a baseless fantasy for verification, at the moment you reincarnate in a different world, you can accept most things. Therefore, I immediately understood that I had entered the world of the game. Or rather, I accepted this.

The problem is that the character named <Hermes von Lunacelia> does not appear in the game.

Is he a supporting character? Is a young, handsome, rich, and powerful man like a duke from a family with great influence a supporting character?

Normally, in reincarnation stories like this, don’t you reincarnate as main characters or those who gradually gain popularity, like in <Reincarnation as the villain>?

However, in Hermes-kun’s previous memories, there was no interaction with main characters, and he certainly did not show evil deeds. Rather, he was considered a good person with virtuous acts.

Naturally, Hermes-kun, also known as me, was a handsome boy, of good character, and from a good family in his past memories, so he was very popular. Although he was a virgin and inexperienced in love, he was very attractive. Aside from the part of being attractive to others, he was basically me from my previous life. I am on the verge of tears.

“Hermes… Are you okay? Have your memories returned?”

As I suddenly fell silent, my parents, who were initially happy, changed their expression to one of great concern. I quickly shook my head.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. My memories have returned, father, mother. I apologize for worrying you. It seems that the memory loss was temporary.”

“Ah, what a relief! I am calm now… I said that even without your memories, you are still my family, but I was worried that you would act distant. I am relieved that you are still the same as always”, sighed my father.

“Your mother is relieved too. Oh, Hermes… come and embrace your mother’s heart.”


What is happening here?

Seeing my mother with open arms, waiting for me, even someone as innocent as me was stunned.

Until a moment ago, we were like complete strangers, and I thought something like, “Wow, she’s really beautiful!” But once Hermes’s memories returned, that interest transformed into simple familial love.

Out of respect for the image I should maintain, I couldn’t just let myself go and be affectionate with my mother.

With the muscles of my cheek slightly tense, I found myself in an internal conflict as I looked at the radiant, smiling mother saying, “Come on, come on!”

Finally… Defeated by my mother’s expression shifting to a teary-eyed halfway face, I embraced her, my face burning with embarrassment.

The warm gaze of my father and the maid bore into my back, adding more discomfort to my already tight heart.

I will never do this again.


Since I woke up as Duke Hermes von Lunacelia, approximately two weeks have passed.

During that time, I dedicated myself to tirelessly training my body weakened by the accident to be able to attend the <Royal Academy of High Magic>. Thankfully, through that, I managed to regain the ability to exercise physically decently.

Additionally, I found something that would be necessary for my future life in this different world.

That is…


I murmured with barely audible volume to the maid, Fran, who was sitting across from me in the carriage taking us to the Royal Academy of Magic.

As I did so, a semi-transparent window suddenly appeared in front of me, displaying the familiar game status screen, which brought a smile to my face.

“Eh? Did His Excellency Hermes say something?”

“No, I didn’t say anything.”

Lying naturally, I turned my attention back to the status screen.

Somehow, as soon as Hermes’s memories returned, I could use this status screen. I don’t know the reason, but I instinctively knew I could use it by reciting those words.

This seems to be an excerpt from the status screen of the protagonist Hermes von Lunacelia in his life in the game world.

Name: Hermes von Lunacelia
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Level: 1
STR: 1
VIT: 1
AGI: 1
INT: 1
Intelligence: 1

Magic Mastery:
<Fire> Novice (1)
<Water> Novice (1)
<Wind> Novice (1)
<Earth> Novice (1)
<Holy> Novice (1)
<Dark> Novice (1)
Swordsmanship: Novice (1)
Charm: 100

It’s exciting to see this kind of information. But, upon a quick glance at the status screen, I noticed something out of the ordinary.

Is my level 1 and all my masteries low? No, that’s not it. The key point here is that all the masteries are at 1.

Isn’t “Novice” the lowest rank? What’s so special about that?

“Probably, anyone else aside from me would think that way. But those who have played <Lovely Sorcerer> would surely be excited to see this status screen.

This is because the word ‘Novice’ followed by a number implies that one has an affinity with that magic.

In other words, I have an affinity with all types of elemental magic.

This goes against the original setting, as usually a person is born with affinity for only one type of element.

This puts me in the same position as the game protagonist.

The protagonist also has an affinity with all elements. For this reason, despite being a commoner, he has been admitted to the Academy as a scholarship student… Haha. I am definitely a fortunate guy.

I wish all the game fans could see these statistics.

It would be quite frustrating to see a supporting character with the same abilities as the protagonist. However, I know that those who reincarnate in a different world often have these kinds of special ‘benefits.’

Therefore, I will not delve into deep reflection. It doesn’t seem to make much sense anyway.

For now, I will simply enjoy a promising future full of hope.

But, wow, why is my ‘Charm’ at maximum? In the main story, the protagonist’s initial state should have been 1. What’s going on? Could it be that Hermes-kun’s perfect beauty caused an error in the initial values?

But I won’t dwell on this either. I will simply accept it as it is.

As I rambled in my thoughts while observing my own status screen, I suddenly noticed that the outside scenery had drastically changed. As the carriage trembled and shook, the maid in front of me informed me.

“Your Excellency Hermes, we can now see the Academy. The buildings are impressive and majestic.”

Upon hearing Fran’s words, I averted my gaze as if I were being teased. Had she sensed my attention had shifted elsewhere?

The status screen disappeared quietly. Before I could realize, I, too, found myself inhaling in awe at the sight unfolding before me.

“Wow… It’s much more impressive in person than in the game!”



Oh no! I got so excited that I said it out loud. Although Fran surely doesn’t know what the word “game” means.

“Oh, no… What? Don’t worry, okay?”

“Why do you sound like a question, Your Excellency Hermes? It seems suspicious…”

“It’s just a thought out loud. Anyway, this is the place I will be attending from today. It’s quite impressive, don’t you think?”

Although abruptly changing the topic of conversation may seem forced, when it comes to the academy, as a maid, she can’t ignore it. Despite her incredulous look, she responds.

“That’s because it has been funded by royalty members and established as a prestigious place that even royalty has attended for generations. It is said to have required a considerable sum of money given its reputation among the aristocracy and society in general.”

“Oh, I see… When put that way, it makes me think it’s an unnecessary expense. It’s probably just my opinion, right?”

“It’s only you, Your Excellency. The nobility enjoys luxuries. For a commoner, attending an academy that has required a considerable amount of money is a kind of status in itself.”

“I understand. I am just eager to see how I can grow and develop.”

“For a long time, Your Excellency Hermes has always loved magic. And besides, having an affinity with all forms of elemental magic… It won’t be long before your name echoes throughout the academy.”

“Haha. I will do my best. I will make sure not to tarnish the name of the Dukes of Lunacelia family.”

Of course, it’s a lie.

Having been reborn into the world of a game I have invested so much time in, there is no goal other than becoming the most powerful.

If I had been reborn as the protagonist, it would be different, but being a supporting character, I can ignore the heroine and act as I please.

If I can dedicate all my time to myself, that would be more than enough. I want to experience everything this world can offer.

Of course, that’s exactly what I’m looking for.

As I watch the school building gradually grow, I contain my overwhelming excitement and smile.

The bells ring, marking the beginning of the game…

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

I’m Just a Mob But I’ll Aim for the Strongest! ~I Reincarnated in a Game World and Seek Strength Freely~

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
To conquer the heroine in the romantic action RPG 'Lovely Sorcerer,' high stats, accurate choices, and player skills are required. A young man who thoroughly played the game until completion wakes up one day to find himself inside 'Lovely Sorcerer.' He quickly understands that he has been reincarnated into the game world, but the character he embodies – Hermes von Luna Celaria – is nothing more than a nameless mob noble in the main story. Though slightly shocked, he decides to aim for the strongest position as Hermes in a world he longed for, despite being just a mob. Yet, there is still something he does not know. This place is subtly different from the world he knows well...


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